My Feeling is simple


I just think that...

" My feeling is simple. but, why? they *my parents* thought that my feeling is complicated. "


My wish is simple. I just want their support for Chemistry Competition tomorrow. and they didn't care. 

why I could claimed them like that?

because they didn't go to here for looking me. Maybe,... They was so tired and so busy for give me support. I know. I think, I'm nothing. I'm not important for them.

maybe, I'm a worst daughter. because I claimed them like that. but! they didn't know my feeling. and they just mad and said that it's my fault. because I often don't care with them! 

really???? It's so missunderstand. I'm be the person who don't care anything because them. because nobody care with me. 

maybe i said it because I'm in sad. disappointed. and I hate it. 


I always try be stand alone. but... I don't know...


okay... it's not important... if u read it, u can ignore. because it's nothing for everyone. *smiles weak*


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thanks all :(
No parent hates their child. Maybe they're going through a difficult time and they can't support you since they're really busy.

We all care for you honey~~

Stay strong and standing alone is not a bad thing it just shows you're independent and you want to tackle things on your own showing you are responsible for yourself.

A worst child is when they don't want to see their parents and obviously you're not a bad daughter. You are a beautiful, sincere, loving and caring daughter who do anything to make her parents happy.

Stay Strong Sukma~~

Hwaiting for the Chemistry Competition~~
don't think that your parents love you and don't feel bad about yourself i'm pretty sure your awsome
i care for you, niece-y......!!! wow.. chemistry competition?? if i were your mom, i would be really like, "Sukma win that competition.. Beat em all!!" *hugs* i love you niece-y.......
iFlyInTheSky #5
Don't be like that~ :')
My parents are like that too~ But deep down, I keep telling myself that they love me because if they don't, they'll leave me in the streets not caring.
And even though, we're not close, I just want you to know, I'll be a listening ear for you, I don't mind skyping or if you like, I'll always be there. I promise to try and be a great friend.
*gives you a tight comforting hug*
eightaenine #6
yahh..I care for you :(