I Don't Get This

It's going too far
Ok, so they acted a bit immature, but what do you want them to do? Act like robots? They wanted the interview to be more fun, and I highly doubt that they had any bad intentions. As for the donation/flooding statement, remember that there were also MISTRANSLATIONS, so when Zico said he would donate $6 that may have been all he had at the time. Not to mention that the money for their performances were donated to Thailand. People make mistakes! It's how we learn and how we grow, and these guys are trying their hardest to move past this but grudge-holders won't let them! For God's sake each member apologized already, Zico freaking SHAVED HIS HEAD, and P.O is in the HOSPITAL!! I'm sorry but after having apologized that much, it should have been enough but people have dragged it on this far. Ever heard of forgive and forget? Also, I feel like  2PM should have been a bit more professional, not saying that they shouldn't have said what they did, but on twitter? Really? They should have known that by stating that where millions of people read it, they just added fuel to the fire. Sorry 2PM, but I'm kind of disappointed in you. Please, it's enough to tell them "yes, you made a mistake, now take responsibility and apologize" but signing petitions telling them to disband and commit suicide?! Now who's the one that needs to mature?! Next time, look at your past mistakes and decide whether you should have to beg for forgiveness, die, or give up your dream because of it. P.S. I'm not a fan of Block B, I have only recently listened to ONE of their songs, but I still think that as people they really don't deserve this much anger and hate for something so small.


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It is now time to show your love. Write a letter for BLOCKB. Send it to [email protected]. The deadline is today, February 25 before 10pm KST. Let's put our energy into encouraging them. Read http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/136120 for details.