Gone On Too Far

This is horrible. Anti's have done too much damage. If they are so affected by the words, why can't they spend their time donating money than sending death threats and petitioning for the members' suicide. These anti's just want a reason to hate, but can't be bothered to spend their money or time actually helping with the flood damage. P.O didn't deserve this. First off, much of it was because of mistranslation, and I have seen many a celebrity make careless comments, but why do Block B get so much hate, because not everyone loves them, so they are immediate targets. If a group like SNSD or Super Junior were to make a slip up like this, the reaction would be much weaker. It's absolutely mortifying. People should never wish suicide in anyone. Because I have lost one of my closest friends after people told her she was a and a and she should just die. As someone who has attempted before, I can understand the pain. But over a small mistake and mistranslation like this, they definitely do not deserve being told this stuff. These people are the insensitive ones. No one should be told to commit suicide. Because what happens when they do? Those anti's will deny that it was their fault. These people disgust me. If they care so much then they should use their efforts to donate or get help for the damage instead of spending their time targetting a band who aren't even the primary ones at fault.


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