I ing hate you

they are the most ing and untrustable people you will know on earth!

They're the worst people I know

They are the most cruel people in this world.


I am not just saying this because they did something wrong to me today...


They've been doing too many things to me that always hurt my feelings...


How would you feel when your family keep saying 'Oh you're adopted!'

'You look so different!'

'You're so ugly while we're not'

'Youre black because we have fairer skin'

'You'e a big shame in our family!'


ME?! ing shaming  this ing family?


Are you crazy?

Look at yourself!

I've been trying so hard to be someone you want me to be...

But sometimes its too much that I gave up!!!

Do you even consider myself first? What i really want?


So they then said 'You've changed alot'

Heck yea!

I am tired of being so goodie goodie kid who have been following and trying to be perfect to this family...

So yea, ive changed.

Well only infront of them..

and you guys will suddenly say...

'You're fake!'

Huh? Me fake?

You dont know me AT ALL even though we're a FAMILY



When you always say I am adopted...

Do you know what im feeling?

Do you know that I might smile and say something back, there's still something prickle inside my heart???



You dont ing know!!!


You want me to be perfect?

Then sorry! I am tired of being perfect!

And when I told you what my real dreams, guess what you said!

you dont have a ing chance!!!!


Yea, i dont have a ing chance while the one that you wanted me to do have!





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