when I heard her voice

I just felt sad, hurt, glad, etc...

when I heard her voice.

My Mommy..

Mommy voice...

I really missed her...

awwwwwww.. (T___T)

I hate when I felt lonely and missing them *my family*

I'm childish, aren't?


but, it's fact...

how's ur feeling that u are far from your family. and almost 2 weeks u didn't meet them... 

so missing...


plus... If u heard that ur Mommy was felled from her motorcycle.... 

I just felt if I'm a bad daughter.

I can't look her.. I know, she is sick now...

but, I can't meet her because Chemistry at Sunday. 


God, help me, please... *begged* *pray*



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i feel so bad for your mum and you FIGHTING!!!

Hope your mum gets better soon.

Don't think negative thoughts, friend.

Stay strong~
i haven't seen my parents for a year now. ..
so somehow, I know how you feel.
you're not alone chingu .
I hope your mom gets well. .
Hope you'll have good days to come.
stop worrying so much.
Kimiecy4 #4
Aww..Hwaiting Stay strong and pray for your mom to be healed :) Wish you the best in your school studies and hope mom gets well really soon ^^
Be strong (: Give her a call, I'm sure she'll love to hear your voice right now. Don't let her know you're feeling bad, just carry smiles in your voice and maybe make some bad jokes to make her smile. I'm sure she'll love that. (:
Lightstriker #6
awwwww :(
i'll pray for you and your family baby daughter
Omg, poor you. I feel like such a bad person with all my I-land problems.
I'll pray for you!
