Laughing Out Loud ;)

Ahahaha. LOL. Seriously? Gosh, when are you going to get over your little facade? Maybe you want me to feel terrible about myself, but I'm above that. And I feel sorry for you.

If you have something to say to me, just say it. Your "subtle means" of getting the point across are just making you look like an idiot. They're about as subtle as an escaped elephant from the zoo trampling over sad, forsaken cars in the street. Tch. Boo you.

And honestly, what you did was not, not, NUH-HAWT pretty. I think you know what I mean. It was opposite of brave. It was retarded. Don't think I'm just going to stand by and watch you pull one over on my friend? Nuh-uh. Nope. I don't think so. She's not the one with the concieted, blown-up ego. She's not the canine. You are.

Don't think you're really so safe just yet. And careful about standing on carpets; maybe someone will "accidentally" pull them out from under you.

Cheers, MFYW&&mikimomo:))


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Aw, what's wrong? Chill aite :D