CN V.O.I.C.E.S --> an apply fic

it's a bit late for me to advertise here, but what gives, i'm making my first apply fic yeay *clap clap*

 FNC Media decided, after the successfulness of both FT ISland and CNBLUE, they want to debut a new band, a coed band...

who are the members are yet to be unknown...


so that's a bit of the story, i need more appliers, LOL...

currently i got 23 appliers, and only 3 really caught my attention, not that the others are worst or whatsoever, it's entertaining the others that is..LOL....


here's the link if you are interested and wanna apply~~~


i'm trying to make a trailer for the members introduction...remembers, eventhough u caught my attention didn't mean the spot is yours, nothing is final until it is final~~~so the 4 spot are still open~~~


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