What do you think about Block B?

Hello! I guess everyone knows about the news about Block B.

I just saw their apologize video.

I'm not a fan but I really think they are really sorry.

What do you all think?

Leave a comment and tell me!! Might send a special card to cheer them out!!



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mystery_49 #1
I cant say that im a bigfan but i do like the my hert ges out to the boys...and now with P.O in the hospital....

Oh check out he link bellow its the translation of the FULL interview not bits and pieces

Well... I'm not a big fan... Say the truth I don't really know them at all... But I saw the news about them... They apologized what else more do they need to do... I don't know about others but I forgive them... They made a mistake. There only human we can't blame them.
I think Sending them a card will be nice.
sone09 #3
their behaviour during that interview was very disappointing and immature. I understand why nichkhun wouldve tweeted about it because of what they said about the poor people going through flooding in Thailand was the rudest of all. but the 2pm guys didnt mean any harm, and they were just warning them for the future. Block b did say sorry several times, and the fact that the media is stil going crazy about what happened last week i think is over the top. Its time to move on from it (:
I think that their words and actions were reckless, but since they've asked for apologies, it's okay.. :)
Gawd... They've been punished enough... Can't people see to what extent they've underwent in order to show their wrongful doing... I really couldn't breathe while watching the vid... I was dying, I wish they could just stop bothering our babies... They don't friggin' deserve this!

I love Block B, Now and Forever. BBC forEVER!!!!
leficklerabbit #6
Hm... They were humble when they apologised for their wrongdoings, so I forgive them. However, if they do it again, and it's becomes worst, I think I'll stop liking them, but I only listen for the music so... :/
but a tiny bit like ZICO but other than that, it's for music ^^
That's wrong! Block B didn't do anything at all! They're just being their crazy and fun side. I blame Allkpop! -_- :(
I think block b was just being themselves: Crazy, loud, fun, easygoing people. I truthfully feel that they did do wrong and was a bit immature, but they've changed (as you can see in first thier perf after the incident). They've apologised and I think they really mean it. This was just a learning experience that will make them stronger and more mature. Everybody makes mistakes and the only thing that matters is if we learn from those mistakes. Block B IS learning. Please continue to support them, hwaiting!
well,it's kinda hard to get it over because what they say is really rude but i hope they learn..
if they wanna joke around,they should at least think twice b4 saying anything.. thai people are humans too.. they didn't need money only,they need our support too..but i hope they learn..
blck b didn't do anything wrong!
It wasn't allkpop's fault! They get their news from a different Korean site and translate it.
Don't blame the people who didn't do anything. That's like just what happened with Block B. Thank you :)

Anyways, I was really mad but then I saw how sorry they were. I'm not mad anymore.
I mean, the leader even shaved his head!
Huh Block B didn't even do anything wrong!
allkpop just gave wrong facts out and translated the interview wrong, ON PROPOSE!
I don't even see the reason why they should apologize!
And these Anti's even don't have any proper facts and reasons to hate them!
Sheesh, Imma gonna send them a letter too.
With a special paragraph of the korean law.
They can report allkpop to the police. -_-