They were wrong, but you were not right either

Sorry. I know I have been ranting a lot these days on my blogs. I hated bothering people with my own personal negative thoughts.


But I feel that there is a need for me to say something once again.


What is with some people these days?!?!


How can someone ask a person to die for a simple comment he make?

These people made my heart went cold

Comments that asked these boys to die, disband or even words like 'They should cut their head off and RIP."

LIKE WTH?!?!?!



You can don't forgive them. But asking someone to die just because of something he say... That is BS



If you can't see the reason why it's bull....

I guess you have lost something really important in you.


The basic reason why human is human.


Where is your compassion? The feeling of empathy?



Taking the issue off Block B for a second...



Let's talk about something that everyone should have experienced at least once in their life.


Have you ever said something which you regretted?


What was the reaction from the person you hurt?


What was YOUR feelings when you realised you hurt someone?

Guilt? Regret? Wanted to do something to make up?



And if that person doesn't accept your apologies and ask you to go kill yourself... How do you feel?

Hurt? Lost? Not knowing what to do? Hope for chances to change?



For example, you had a big fight with someone you loved.

And you said something insulting without knowing which humiliated your friend. Maybe something like, "You know, you're such a retard." or wadsoever. 


Your friend got hurt by your comment and you knew it after that.


Realising what you did, you wanted to apologise. You said sorry to her. Sincerely.


But she did not care. What if she muttered something like "I wished you would go and die. Really. Die "?


How do YOU like that?


You just wanted to make things better and your friend did not give you a chance. Well, if you were you, I guess you might get angry at her rudeness and started fighting with her again.


But did Block B fought with you?


Nope. They admit their mistake and reflected on their mistake. They have been taking all the hate without denying any of their mistakes.


You might think I am bias.

But if these boys did not even bother apologising, I will have no reason to like them either. If they are still goofing around after the incident without reflecting, I would be so damn disappointed too.


But did they do that?



If you say apologies meant nothing... THEN WHAT DOES?


If 'sorry' has no effect at all, then you should not say sorry when you trip someone. Let that person trip you again.


If you accidentally spill drinks over someone, let that person throw his drink over you too. Don't bother saying sorry to anyone since that person won't take your apologies.



I seriously hate to point this out.

But these people who made death threats, are inhuman.


If you have so much time hating on someone who just made a dumb comment. Why don't you spend the time helping out others?


Help those who you think are hurt. Make everyone feel better!



I sincerely hope that if any of you who hated Block B before, read this article. Have some compassion. Hating doesn't make anything better. It just makes everything ugly.


Even if its only 1 person who changed his/her opinion and stop hating on someone after reading this, I thank you.


Thank you for keeping your compassion.

This world just got better with you.


Peace <3



Update: Block B appologised officially over Youtube.

Please stop on the hating on them. Thank you. *Bows*


I can't stop crying when I saw this. 

I love you boys. Never forget to get back on your feets as soon as possible



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OMG I know righttttt? I cried a lot because they got hurt. Even though I'm not a BBC I still think that what the netizens are doing are seriously stupid and inhumane. I can't stand it anymore. Even PO got hospitalized WHAT THE EFFFFFFF...
gdsfjcsdfjnhrducnfyrdugfciursecgrugsicuo *smashes keyboard*

eonni~~~~ i need to hug… *hug eonni* *crying*
hueeee can u guys forgive them (block b)??
u just look they from the outside not their heart…
i cried yesterday when i saw pics of them bowibg to everyone even after they left & again today after i seen the video. wtf is wrong with ppl? i am not taking sides but hello, everyone makes mistakes & they apologized even with a shaved head! is ur heart a stone? i tweeted to Nichkhun & told him to stop rubbing salt to the wounds. what did i get? obviously hate mentions & A ING DEATH THREAT. i told him my opinions but fans bashed me. who is more in the wrong now? delusional fans! i am not hating on him but his actions, u do not need to post indirect tweets about the boys. i spammed his mentions with the video. idgaf already if ppl gonna send me more hate mentions. seriously they need to stop. sorry i just had to let it out too.
lethargic #4
I hate when there's war like this .__.
I just hope there will be peace
bangtits #5
Why did they hate Block B? WTH?! Even, if they hate Block B, just shut the F up! >.<
Huh?wad did block b do?
jenli98 #7
WAw that was just touchi..
I know right stupid anti -fans..
Proper actin as if they never made mistakes in their lifes..
thy r jus so annoyin..even threatin their mum wtf man that is jus so Sad nd stupid i mean wat has their mum got to with this..bunch of idiots don think b4 thy do it..
Nd sayin that block b don fink before they say it now look who does it..
I know right why can't people just shut the up if they want to say something bad!
people this day!