
Okay, so this is just a random, ranting blog post that I want to post. If you keep on reading, that's fine and I'm happy ^-^ But if you don't like reading long things (like me) then you don't have to.

All I'm really wanting is some advise.....

Okay, so, there is this guy at my school named Cameron. I've had a crush on Cameron since 7th grade. Now, before I go on, you may be wondering, "Why is this blog named 'Nemo'?" 

Or maybe you're not, but, who knows.

Nemo is the nickname my friend, Kelly, and I gave him since she hates him and in Japanese, "Nemo" stands for "nothing" (or so we heard)


So I've liked this guy for..... well, I'm in 11th grade, now, soooo.... 4-5 years, now? 

And the problem is, though, is that I'm really trying to get over him! Reasons?

Cameron = Jock; Popular
Me = Not Popular

His friends don't like my friends; my friends don't really like his. 

And, to be honest, it would be SO MUCH easier to get over him if it wasn't for this reason:

I'm usually right when someone likes me. It's weird, but whenever I meet someone, I get this feeling and I can tell if they like me a lot or just a little. And every time I've guessed that a guy has liked me, I've been mainly always right. -knocks on wood- 


I get this HUGE feeling that he likes me back.

More than any guy I've felt that has liked me. 

I want to stop liking him, but I can't help it!!! I keep falling for him!! 

My heart stops when I see him; butterflies fly through me when he looks at me; and I know that when he talks to me (because he has) that I melt

I know this is getting long and is probably confusing, but I want to give you "proof" that he likes me:

  • when he talks to me, he always looks straight into my eyes and he speaks slowly (although, we haven't talked really for a good while...)
  • in the past, there was this one time that I was turning around to head to my class and when I turned around, Cameron was standing right behind me. We didn't have much space, since a table was behind him and a table was behind me. I was frozen and couldn't look up and my face heated up. I waited for him to move on, but he just stood there, looking down at me. I knew that I had to move on, because the bell was going to ring, so I said, "I'm sorry." and left. (the entire thing lasted a good 5-10 seconds....)
  • last year at our black light dance, I was dancing with a ground of my friends and I saw him there (I saw him there again this year...but he had a girl friend. hold, I'll tell you this in a second). My group was dancing close to his and I was moving my hips and dancing "y-like". Well.... when I looked over at him, his best friend, Ryan, was talking to him, grabbed his chin, and then made him look my way. Shocked, I did that natrual thing and looked away. I even looked around me to see if there was any other girl that his friend could of made him look at, but that's the thing. I was the only girl in that direction. No other girl was behind me and the only people next to me where guys. 
  • And this year at the black light, he kept looking at me even though he was dancing with his girlfriend! 


I know this was a lot to read, but I don't know what to do anymore! I want to get over him and move on with my life, but I just can't!! Not even my kpop idols can erase him from my memory!!! 



I know it may sound odd....

But I really want him to tell me that he doesn't like me. 

Things would be easier.


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