Fangirling over my crush this afternoon.

My best friend and I watched their group presented their 'Investigatory Project'. XD

We are the only audience. XD

And was so focused on fangirling! XD ;D

Our crushes are on the same group.


BTW, she knows about 'him' alWeady. =.= ^^;


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agreeing with shineetaemint4eva
Lol I wanna come to your school and watch you and your friend fan girl!! Lol so funny~ I agree with shineetaemint4eva all the guys in my school rnt rlly that attractive ):
Agreeing with shineetaemint4eva. ;U; <\3
But doshfpohdsop; omfg, just go out. Your friend toooo~ c:
-esque #4
SAME ! It made me feel like a stalker though so I stopped doing it and my grades were falling to so I decided to concentrate on school more . =.='
lol none of the guys in our school are umm...attractive (to me at least)...but I don't really feel left out cuz I spend most of my time fangirling about biases :P but hah I remember when I had a crush and I would like pay close attention to his reports and projects :D
i don't really have a crush in time but i kniw how it is like to fangirl about a crush XD
in elementary school my crush made sime kind of magic show and i always clapped my hands exitingly everytime he showed us another trick XD
#7 and my bestfriend actually like the same person
Its complicated
HOHO ! its not just you @NanaKirae xD i was with you LOL
Your best friend knows about him? You told her about him? :O
At least she has a crush of her own, so that's good ;)
Ooohhhhh....hahahaha....he must've looked good in your eyes huh??? He must've looked perfect...Lucky!!!!
yea~ i was just fangirling about my crush this evening. telling every detail about him to my new close friend xD
waaahhh i felt like a deja vu
Cuteeeyyyy eeepppp