My Face likes C?

Hey? Last night I just slept 2 hours. Because Physic... Haish... 

And it made me so sleepy when Economy lesson... *sigh*

and then... I slept... ohohoho... *bad student*

I thought my Economy's teacher didn't know... because he didn't arouse me. ahaha....


after school finished. I went to tutorial lesson's place for chemistry. *sigh* very tired and likes a robbot...

when I arrived in tutorial lesson's place, I met my Math teacher. His name is Leonardo B. But, I called him "LB". 


Me       : " Hey Mr. LB!!!!"

Mr. LB : " Hi Sukma? What do u do in here?"

Me       : " For sleeping... haish! for lesson of course. why?"

Mr. LB : " aw? chemistry, right? how about math?"

Me       : " yes. I won't math. (-_-') haish! I felt tired, Mr..."

Mr. LB : " Yah! I know! Ur face has liked Carbon compound!"

Me       : " What! (O.O)"


What a ugly! (-_-') *sigh* tired made me mussy... - -'


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hahaha You're best sistar evah!!!
You like me. Sleep in class. Hahaha good girl haha xD
but seriously get some sleep
you need it
(who am i to talk i sound like a big hypocrite if that's how you spell it)
hah i hope you get some sleep soon
and you have a nice nam (that is if that is your real name)
your teacher... he's... kinda funny^^

I would have smashed him.