iPod Shuffle Game

Put your itunes/ipod on shuffle. For each question, press the next button and the title of the song is your answer. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS. Put any comments in (parentheses) after the song name.

1.) Describe yourself: Breathe - G-Dragon (Um... What. Lol)
2.) What do people feel when they’re around you?: Heaven - Ailee (LOL YESHH. They feel like Heaven around me! I guess...?)
3.) Describe your current relationship?: Hot - 2PM (B-but. I'm not in a relationship right now...)
4.) Where would you like to be right now?: Over The Top - Infinite (I wanna be over the top? What.)
5.) How do you feel about love?: Who Am I - Zico (This makes sense how...? LOL)
6.) What is your life like? : Korean Dream - G-Dragon (Am I living the Korean Dream...? I'm not even Korean.)
7.) What would you wish for if you only had one wish?: Level 1000 - Jay Park (Do I wish to get past level 1000 of a game or something? LOL)
8.) Say something wise: Where You At - Taeyang (Very wise indeed.)
9.) How would you describe yourself?: You - Beast (So I'm myself? Or am I you. I'm confused...)
10.) What do you look for in a guy?: Not Young - U-KISS (LOL WHAT. I like older guys now apparently? Why do I even have this song. Lol)
11.) How do you feel today?: Cloud - Zico (It was raining today. Yes. Clouds . I guess it kinda makes sense...? No? Okay... LOL)
12.) What’s your life’s purpose?: Don't You Know - 2PM (No... Actually, I don't know.)
13.) What is your motto?: Yet - Beast (...Okay, I have no idea what this means lol)
14.) What do your friends think of you?: Who Do You Think You Are - LEDApple (Is this a good thing?)
15.) What do your parents think of you?: Fiction - Beast (Gonna pull a Daehyun moment... "No comment")
16.) What do you think about very often?: Going Crazy - Teen Top (I think of going crazy?)
17.) What do you think of your best friend?: Release - Zico (Yesh! She needs to release all her stress and HAVE FUN once in awhile lol)
18.) What do you think of the person you like?: Dear Mom - SNSD (What.)
19.) What is your life story?: What Time Is It Now - 2PM (Am I going to be needing to know the time all my life...?)
20.) What do you want to be when you grow up?: Nauseated - Zico (No! I do not want to be nauseous all the time. Lol)
21.) What will you dance to at your wedding?: Dancing Out - Super Junior (DANCE PARTYYY!)
22.) What will play at your funeral?: Get 'Em High - Zico (What. So I'm just going to pretend it means I'll still be 'getting em' even high up in Heaven lol)
23.) Biggest fear?: Last Farewell - Big Bang (Partly true, I guess? I hate saying goodbye...so...)
24.) Biggest secret?: I Can't - 2PM (Thats right. I can't tell you. Lol. Well, actually, if I go by the lyrics of the song my biggest secret would be that I can't forget your love? Nahh. I'll stick with my first guess. LOL)

This was actually fun to do. Ahah. Why so many 2PM and Zico songs though?!
BTW, sorry for the messy blog. I'm on my phone so I can't exactly edit it and everything. I'll do it tomorrow if I'm not lazy, LOL

Stolen from: ForeverAlonee


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