30 secrets

30 Secrets about Yourself
Be honest, no matter what, and have fun!!!!

1. Have u a nickname?
Emmy, Emi, Mony, Nimo, Mimo, Ema, Mona, Omma, Appa and many more

2. Your current relationship Status?

3. Does ur crush like u back?
No comment

4. What's ur current mood?

5. What color underwear are u wearing?
Why would you want to know that? O_o ert :p

6. Missing something?
My ear plugs :((

7. If u could go back in time and change something, what would u do?
Dad getting married to mom, and having an A- blooded me

8. If u must be an animal for one day what would u be?

9. Something u do a lot?
listening to songs / read

10. The song stuck in ur head?
U-KISS Forbidden Love

11. Name someone with the same birthday as u?
Nahla \ Ahlam

12. When was the last time u cried?
I don't remember

13. If u could have super power what would it be?

14. What's the first thing u notice about the opposite ?

15. What's ur biggest secret?
come on. it`s a secret

16. Do u still watch kiddie shows?

17. Do u speak others languages?
English, Japanese, and i understand a lil bit of Korean, French and Spanish *my native is Arabic*

18. What's ur favorite smell?

19. What's ur favorite perfume?
I'm allergic

20. What do u wear to sleep?

21. Describe ur life in one word?

22. Have u ever been kissed in the rain?
I've nevver been kissed at all :D

23. What are u thinking about right now?
What can I do to meet Jung Minnie?!!!

24. What should u be doing?

25. Who was the last person that made u angry?
Some stupid guy

26. How often do u talk to God?
A lot

27. Do u act differently around the people u like?
I act different around those I DON'T like

28. What's ur natural hair color?
dark brown

29. Who was the last person to make u cry?
no idea

30. U and ur lover are alone for the night... Do u play Monopoly, or...?
i don`t have a lover and i hate that game


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