
I just got home. So, I was walking home. It's nighttime here, so it was really dark. So when I reached my house, I went through the back of my house. So when I walked towards the gate to the backyard I saw...








a dark shadow walking towards me. I was like freaking out. I thought it was a stranger. So I like stopped and stared at the person. I was like heeellla scared. Then that stranger opened the gate and walked towards me and said, "Dude, hurry up." ......

It turned out to be my oldest sister who forgot her keys. I don't know why, but at that moment, I broke down crying. Honestly, I really thought it was a person trying to like break into my house, so I started crying a lot.

So my sister came up to me, and was like awwww, omg. I didn't mean to scare you. So then I gave her my keys and we went inside. x) I'm like still kinda teary. >.<


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I am da oldest ._.
How ish.
Which sister? The one with the One Direction thing or the one with "Did she really write this?" sis?
LOL that's sweet <3 My sister would never do that. She'd be all like "Omg you wimp. Mom, look, Christine's crying for no reason." and start making fun of me XD