
I don't even know how to react to all this honestly, my timeline on twitter has been spazzing over this and I too have been a little in edge about it. /: yeah as much as I love Block B they did do wrong, but this seriously has gotten out of hand. They're still human and everyone makes mistakes. It just blows for them because they were being really insensitive during an interview, they did what so many of us do all the one: they spoke without thinking. They already apologized and even members who clearly didn't do anything are being thrown into the whole problem. Let's think about it for a bit, they're still new and they're young. Judging by the way they act normally they're still adapting to the idol life. The perfect example could be Jay Park. When he was young and still adapting to life in Korea he was being himself and said some insensitive things about Korea. I don't know you don't have to agree or anything but that's just my opinion. I'm not saying that Block B wasn't at fault because it was their mistake but could you imagine being watched my people all over the world and having to change the way you talk, think, act just in front of a camera? I can only imagine how difficult it is for a newbie like them. And it all makes it worse with these fandom wars, what are some of these so-called BBC's doing? They are running around saying how much they love their oppar then suddenly one thing FROM A MONTH ago happens and they go ape and start bashing them. Are you mad? The last thing they need is hatred from their own fandom. What do you want from them? I mean they already apologized, they really can't do much considering the large scale of damage that's already been done. Djdjsi£~**~<^jdjsjw sorry just a rant agree or disagree that was my take on the whole issue. Goodbye ^^


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KingSHIET #1
Lol I'm just so frustrated and I don't know why. This fanwar? My subscription not being updated? Or my sister moving in so my room is constantly being invaded? Asghkhdfgkkg
I went ape on twitter the whole day and then I found out there's going to be a second invasion in Japan. Im going ing cry again because my infinite babies are having ANOTHER concert in a country I can't even go to
KingSHIET #3
I was so going to text you bout this homie.
I haven't seen any with English subs, there were text translations on tumblr though. I'd send you the link but I'm in my iPhone and I'm too much of a lazy fart to look for it c: