So, I made a new friend...

... And she listens to Kpop! She has a class with my roommate and ran in a few nights ago asking about an assignment. I went to brush my teeth and when I came back in she was leaning over my desk, looking at some captioned pictures I have of Yoseob and Gi Kwang. This is how the next five minutes went:

New friend: "You listen to Kpop?"

Me: "Kpop is like an addiction. I love it - and Asian men."

New friend: "Oh my God, me too! (*points at pictures*) Yoseob and Gi Kwang are so adorable!"

Me: O.O "You DO listen to Kpop! OH MY GOD!"

Hence, I have a new friend! XD 

Anyways, she said that she likes Kdrama's, too. I haven't really watched any Kdramas before, so she gave me some websites that have episodes for free. However, I don't know where to start...

If there's anybody still reading this, do you watch Kdramas? If so, what would you recommend for me to start with? 


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SuperSapphire #1
hm, watch playful kiss or you're beautiful^^