Its 3am and i feel like crap

I end up waking up at 306 am. Its becoming an habit. I woke up today to a dream of my ex. In the dream he given me a pile of papers saying what he loves about me and the 365 days after our brak up. Last page i saw/read before waking up was this: i fen love you. Woke up crying about it. Still am. I miss him even though he was a jerk. I love him even if he have someone else now. I just want to cry until i have no more tears.


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coercion #2
....Um. Don't let these things affect you.
And if you REALLY love him, get him back.
AahFeeKiee #3
You're just having some mild insomnia. I've suffered from a severe case before and just to let you know, it's normal. I've been thinking of more serious and personal problems, coupled with just the fact that I'm a nocturnal person. Even up to now, I've been, not sleeping at all, these few days. Not to say I'm coping well, but it's been worse! So I feel good about that.

You're going through a simple phase of puppy love withdrawal symptoms. It will fade away soon enough. For all you know, it's just infatuation, but you won't know it yet until you meet someone who really cares for you a few years down the road. When you'll grow older you'll look back at how cute you were then. Heh.

One thing I do to avoid depression (if that's what you feel that you're going through) is that i distract myself from it. Usually food and shopping work for me. If not, I'd think about all the things that could have made things worse and I feel grateful it didn't go that way.

Wherever life takes you, there's always something to be happy about, so cheer up!
AlmightyLena #4
I know exactly what you mean. In freshman year, I would have dreams about my ex, he said he loved me and that he missed me but in reality it's just me who resists to moving on and it meant that I need to open my eyes cause they're dreams. Someone, one day, is going to give you those papers. The "ex" in your dream, I bet, is someone who is already thinking of you, or the guy you'll marry but since you just look at that jerk, he's all you see. It's not your ex there, it's someone you deserve- someone BETTER than that . Trust me, I know you may not believe or want to right now but as soon as you put a little faith in how you're going to find someone better, that possibility comes. Happened to me- twice- no, three times. I always found a guy much much better than the last because I believed that I don't deserve any of my ex's & idunno if you're religious of not, but God gave us each a soul mate and when you're not with them, you'll end up breaking up with that other person because he wants you to meet the "one" :) <3 Cheer up babe, I'm not saying don't cry- cause you DO need to let it out. It's the process of moving on. <3 Need to chat? I'm right herelub
sweety its okay you'll get someone better than him :) and dont cry if he is a jerk he doesn't diserve it dont waste your time on him you'll move on am sure about it 8D <33
:( I can't say don't worry because it doesn't work or help you feel better, but I'm sure these dreams are just telling you how much you need to look to the path infront of you, the dream is just encouraging you that you could find better and do better. I told my best friend EVERYTHING about my bad dreams, and trust me it works so much. I really hope you feel better :) I'll sing you a song~ Haha... <3
kimchijan #7
is love really that hurtful? ;_; i havent got any boyfriend in my entire life,
you can do it, move on too :)