
We are seeking extra helping hands (two admins to assist us in running a roleplay that is currently open).


- Preferably in the plus timezone if possible.

- Can help with accepting reservations, updating aff, do edits, answering base dms and consult with other admins of issues, etc. (a plus if you have experience in admin, but it’s fine if you have very little to none. As long as you are willing to learn, we can show you everything).

- Be willing to help do things, especially when the other admins are unavailable.

- Work well with others (this is one of the most important things. Communication and consulting are important. If you can not this, the position is not for you). We don’t make decisions based on one person agreement, We make decisions based on the whole team agreement.

- BE ACTIVE (this is the other most important thing. If you can not be active to help out or dip out after on e or two days, please do not apply).

Pay rate:

- Huggles and loves and appreciation!

If you're interested, please send us a dm. 



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sugarflumff #1
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