Wishing for death

For the very first time in my life, I desperately wished for someone's death.

I wish that the lady my father is cheating with would be dead.

As soon as possible.

Because now, my mother is suspecting my dad is cheating. She is asking me to pay attention to whom he was calling while avoiding her, and I don't want her to know about it.

A very scary thought actually entered my mind, and that is to hire someone to kill that lady.

But on second thought, it is not worth gambling my livelihood and everything over a lady who endeavour to ruin my family.

So not worth it.

Hence, I can only pray to the Gods and ask for them to take that lady's life, as soon as possible.

Let her die in an accident, or die due to some acute illness, like severe allergy, heart attack, or . 

Let those happen on her. 

Otherwise, I'll be left with no choice but to confront my father.

Because, as much as I wish to keep my family together, it is very unfair for my mother.

She worked so hard to maintain the household, and my dad is still not pleased and would rather cheat on her.

How is that fair for any woman?!

But, if that lady died, then I won't have to reveal any of these.

So, call me heartless, or cruel, but her death is better for the greater good. 


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