MMOexp: Huntress's Spear-Based Abilities

Combining Abilities for Devastating Synergies

To Path of exile currency achieve maximum synergy between the Warrior and Huntress classes, consider the following combinations:

Sunder Armor + Stunning Strike: Use the Warrior's Sunder Armor to weaken an enemy's defenses, then follow up with a stunning ability from either class. This combination allows you to capitalize on the sundered armor effect and incapacitate your foes, leaving them vulnerable to further attacks.

Lightning Spear + Sundered Armor: Hurl the Huntress's spear at an enemy, summoning a damaging lightning strike. When combined with the Warrior's Sunder Armor, this ability becomes even more potent, as the sundered armor amplifies the lightning's impact. This synergy is especially effective against heavily armored foes.

Area Damage Cloud + Sundered Armor: Generate the Huntress's area damage cloud to inflict bleeding on enemies, then exploit their vulnerability with the Warrior's Sunder Armor. This combination applies intense pressure on foes, causing them to cheap POE currency suffer from ongoing damage while their defenses are compromised.


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