

What happens when the person you trust the most betrays you ?


Or when your knight in shining armor leaves you?


When your one and only confidant and friend became your enemy?



You'll drown yourself in music.


You'll have suicidal ideas.


You'll cry until all of the fluid in you body runs out.


You'll create your own world where no one can touch you.


You'll be autistic.


You'd be depressed.


You'll feel detached from the world around you.




You'll die ALONE.



But why aren't these things not happeneing to me? I wonder if I'm being punished over and over again.


I want to cry, but tears won't come.


I want to commit suicide, but I'm scared of going to hell.


I want to die, but no one would kill me.



What should i do?


Pretend that everything is alright even if I'm hurt.


Go on with my life when I really don't want to live anymore.


Put on a mask that will cover me from this world full of judgements.


Wait for the day of my death, calmly and patiently.



Are these even the right things to do ?




♦sorry for my weirdness.. i've been having some episodes again.. i hope that person could read this.. then perhaps my attemptss would not be in vain..♦






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ate rhei..Cheer up. :)