Watching Cherry Magic

I am watching Cherry Magic, Thai version.

Seeing Achi reminded me of myself. I, too, was sent to the factory to establish an Admin department there. The factory was just about production so, I had to start from scratch, all the filing systems and procedures were set up by me. The Head Office asked if I wanted to take on the challenge and I had agreed.

For the first few days, everyone was on high alert around me, thinking I came to control them from HO but when I told them, we were the same, I was not there for inspection but to work together, only then they loosen a bit.

Province culture and capital culture are very different so, I had to adjust various things. It might be tough to connect and get used to their dialect and way of life, but they are good, once you figure out the pattern and win their heart, they treat you very dearly.

And the same as Achi, everyone thought I was too young to be in that position, all the staff in the factory were more mature. Also, they do leave the office at the exact time, but in Head Office, we rarely leave as the clock strikes off-hour.


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