choose me, love me.


searching for the main lead to enemies to lovers story where we hold hand on page 15 and kiss on page 30.


my nth times of failure attempts to find someone to obsess, kiss, and simp for and i'm getting more desperate to feel something in this lonely cuffing season. are you the one i'm looking for?

meet the female lead. 

  • oa, twenty three plus and expect you atleast be twenty plus. mdni.
  • residing on the plus side of earth with a full time job. replies may vary to sporadic and very slow if busy.
  • up to any connections. friends with or without benefit, bullies, movies buddies, your personal therapist. choose your poison.
  • using female fcs only. feel free to give me suggestions. 
  • heavy male lean and a switch wise. not the one for you if you're looking for plot partner. pwp is alright but i'm more into ting. 
  • and always down for movie nights, hyperbeam, spotify jams, trauma bonding, books recs. or just the ol' cuddles and snuggles while we talk what kind of house you'd like to live in and how many cats we are about to have. 

if you think you are the perfect fit for this role, drop me a pm with your dc / x usn along with your current fav song. i hope to see you soon.


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