OK. So most of my red room friends know that i've been busy reading fanfics lately... actually i read 3 in a week (though i'm still not done with one of them)

and they're all twilight fics!


yes yes i know. its fcking twilight! but hey i can't help it... they are so ing good. (oh gosh.. ive been cursing a lot because of this fic)

before you start dissing twilight fics like how i used to...


i'll just let you know.. if you haven't already... that RED ROOM was first an edward/bella story... and you all know how AMAZING it is... hmmm... where else did the happy trail came from? lol jiyong doesn't have a happy trail. lmao if you didnt read fifty you actually won't know that i took out edward/christian/jiyong's chest hair. lolol cuz first of all jiyong doesn't have chest hair. his is probably as smooth as a baby's cute ... and chest hair is just a turn off for me... so i took that part out.. but happy trail... hmm...even though ji doesnt have one too...  i kept it in the story  cuzi can live with those..and kim jonghyun (my number 2 yeobo) has a very y one.




waaaaaa im getting offtrack here...


but anyways, i messaged the author of the 1st fic (still waiting on her)about turning it into a daragon story... .. the second fic, i still have to finish... and the one im reading now... the one ive been spazzing about on twitter... the one ive been crying... no sobbing... no bawling about...  has 3 chaps left. i just messaged the author as well.... but i'm not sure when i'll ever get her answer because she's been MIA.... 



but.... she wrote all this FAQ stuff on her profile page... WA is the acronym for the story.. im not going to mention the title for now... if you know wat i'm talking about... then SPAZZ with me.. but don't say the title please!


4.) Can I make an AU of WA/CLM/GV/DH/All the other stuff. Really? yeah! Please do. Just don't paint my story as having ia or or or anything equally as squicky, and I'm cool. Long story short, just don't be a . And don't be offended if I'm not around to pimp it, it's nothing personal. I'm just not all that active around here like I used to be.


16.) I saw your story posted on this site/torrent/database/forum/Polish fan-site/my bank's bulletin board, and... Stop. Thanks for being respectful enough to alert me, but so long as they give me credit, really. I don't care. If they aren't giving me credit, then I'm sure (in a very not conceited way) that more people who've read it know it's mine than not. I'm not losing sleep over someone stealing my Twilight fanfiction, you know? So chill. Enjoy something chocolatey. Right now. Go find a cookie. Or a cupcake. Mmmmm...


To summarize: I'm busy -- Don't know when I'm updating -- Don't care what anyone does with WA, just don't be a -- Eat cookies and cupcakes -- I owe a lot of people stuff -- I'm sorry a lot.


soooo.... now. does that mean i can post it here? is changing it to a daragon fic considered an AU? im not sure. so what should i do? i messaged her but i doubt i'll get an answer in the next month or so... lol....


hmmmm... what do you think?! help me!!!!




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jtrice #1
I've read the RR for about 3 times and I really really wanted to re-read it again, where could I read it since it got blocked here in Aff. Where could i read it authornim?? :) help me please! :)
barbielove #2
can i have the link?^^
Lakeland #3
The link to red room pleaseee!!! I really ena tot read itt!!!
weirdlittlething #4
omo, do you have a link to the RED ROOM story? I wanna read it. Gomawo :D
unnie do you know where can i read the Red Room? i really want to read it. :)
Omo I lost the link where you're suppose to read the red room >< can you please tell me
I really wanna read it again
jesslee #7
Where can I read Red Room?
champagneTabi #8
I really really wanna read red room so badly, unnie! Where can i read it? :) <3
sanji30 #9
where i can read it...
sanji30 #10
why the red room of pain in the dgh cannot be open? pls... pls... pls....
anything u post will be supported by your red roomers.. :) promise!
Where do you read red room? ><
Sorry, I'm still kinda confused...
manadononi3 #13
Kamiru dear, better not post it here, you know the repercussion of putting an 'adapted' version story here, right? Put 'em up in the usual places (just like the RR story, ok?)

Your devoted RR (such as MOI ^^) readers will know about them anyway.

Oh can't wait for reading other good Daragon-adapted stories
Laters, dear ^^v
caliee #14
i know what story you're talking about.. i would love to read it as daragon!!! i can't wait :)
though i think it's better to wait for her answer but i really wanted to read it already as daragon and she said as long as you give her the proper credit she deserves i think it's all right..but i dunno really...