Underground | Yun Youngjae

golden dragons
yun youngjae
"i lookout for my best interests and that happens to be dabbling with the good and bad" 
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— ❛ full name : yun youngjae
— ❛ birthdate : 09/03/1998
— ❛ orientation : heteroual
— ❛ occupation : detective for local police department
— ❛ g.ng : golden dragons
— ❛ g.ng alias : odin

— ❛ face claim : mingi - ateez
— ❛ back up face claim : keeho - p1harmony



— ❛  positive : energetic, intelligent, detail oriented, hard working

— ❛ neutral : opportunist, decisive, thrill seeker

— ❛ negative : grudge holder, deceitful


He's a moodmaker overall being a bit of a happy pill to most since he's always smiling and makes friends very easily. He works hard at anything he does and doesn't consider his work good if it's less than perfect. Despite being all happy and friendly overall he's been well known to hold a grudge and won't let it go no matter how much you apologize or try to do right by him. He takes his grudges to extremes typically and will do everything in his power to ruin the person that wronged him. He might be a detective but that doesn't mean he stands for justice and keeping the peace always. He loves adventure and thrill seeking never shying away from something new. If you present a good opportunity to him he'll be open to hear it and help as long as he's getting something back. 

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extra information

▪ ― likes :  

his job


lucrative opportunities


power of being a detective




meeting people





▪ ― dislikes :  

stubborn people


having nothing to do


feeling used


being tricked


being blamed for others mess ups

▪ ― hobbies :  

hanging out





▪ ― habits :  

he bites his lip alot


he's always smiling


he laughs when he gets mad


in awkward situations he'll joke about how weird the mood is


if he's excited it's easy to tell because he bounces and moves around alot

▪ ― trivia :  

he has a large jewelry collection since he's constantly buying it


Dyes and cuts his hair very often 


He has a personal vendetta against the hell hounds and hates them with a passion


He dabbles often in certain jobs secretly with the golden dragons but he's not part of them


Knows all about both gangs very well but actively tries to hinder and bother the hell hounds because he can as a member of the police department


He smuggles guns and other weapons to the golden dragons thanks to a few connections he has with gun vendors


He's been working with the golden dragons since a hellhounds member robbed his father and stabbed him to death when he fought back


He uses painting as a form of relaxation and healing for himself


His family is wealthy with his now deceased father owning shares in multiple companies and his mother working for Samsung as head of marketing


nobody knows he secretly has ties to the golden dragons because if they found out at work he'd surely go to prison


he works undercover sometimes and its allowed him to learn alot about all the gangs, drugs etc of the underground world


He loves eating but he can also cook very well


He's actually a morning person and loves starting his day early


Spends alot of time online shopping for things he really doesn't need


He's moved by money and opportunities so if you provide him with either he'll help you out usually. He does nothing for free or as a favor he always makes people pay him back


He's a great shooter


At work he's rather popular due to his friendly personality


He probably won't ever get a tattoo because he hates needles


he drives a grey hyundai


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how much are you paying?

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Son kyungpo; "business" partners ; min namgoong
they tend to be more like business partners in that kyungpo may ask of help from him but of course he knows it comes with fees. Youngjae simply deals with the golden dragons because he hates the hellhounds so they have a common enemy. Conversations are only ever about jobs and getting things done between the pair nothing else. Its very strict and to the point and kyungpo likes knowing he has a cop under his grasp to help or give him heads up if the authorities are suspicious. Now youngjae never tells this info without money or other lucrative business being added to the mix. At the end of it all youngjae is mostly focused on getting what he can however he can. He does help the gang get weapons and the such but its very risky and doesnt happen as often. With the gang beyond some intel or weapons youngjae often does things to stop or cause issues for the hellhounds. Kyungpo enjoys it though he knows its not being done for him but its being done out of anger as youngjae wont ever forgive those hounds for what they did. 
Golden dragons; business partners ; 
 within the entire gang he knows most of the important people there but theres no deep friendships. He often chats with all of them but he doesnt spend tons of time around them. Hes very careful dealing with them because he wouldn't want to ever be seen with them because most of the people here are known to police. The ones that have been arrested never got in serious trouble but its no secret that this is a gang and him hanging out with them can't happen. He knows kyungtae is the son of the current boss and tends to live life rather carelessly. He knows about hyunmin and minseo being possibly two of the most skilled assassins yet theres no true evidence only rumors. He knows all about the wiz being the brains often time running plans and keeping everything in order for the dragons. Everyone knows that when youngjae comes around it means he has new intel on the hounds hes sharing with kyungpo in an exchange. Often times alot of what the hounds are up too comes from him telling them. 
Hwang joohyun; crush ; Karina - aespa
 she's not connected to any of the gang stuff nor is she a co worker of his. He actually met her at a grocery store after she asked for help reaching something. He had seen her struggling and in his mind it was kinda cute seeing her all frustrated and pouty. He offered to help her and she was more than thankful for his offer. He playfully about it which she took well rather than getting mad or annoyed and he liked that she had good humor. She ended up remarking about how she could tell he was single because he at shopping having picked up very random items. Youngjae found her to be funny and very easy to be around beyond her good looks so it was much easier for him to ask for her information. Long story short they exchanged numbers and started dating not long afterwards. 
Joohyun is light hearted and calm which is just what he needs in his life as someone who can be overly energetic at times. She knows he's a detective and thinks his job is very cool often times asking him tons of questions about it. She's very genuine and cares alot about him and the things he enjoys in life which is new for him. She's very strong willed though and will stand her ground which he likes alot about her. She's very tough despite her looks and will put him or anyone else in their place without thinking about it twice. 
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he comes from a well off family as his parents had great jobs making decent money along the way. He has no siblings so growing up he was spoiled often by his parents. He was taught as a young kid that life is all about getting if you give and his father instilled in him that nothing is free in life. His father was a very strict and by the books kind of guy whereas his mother was more laid back almost careless in some cases. He knew of many instances where his father often traded, bartered, blackmailed and whatever else to get his way. It was seeing his father do this that he learned all about taking care of himself no matter what. Honestly youngjae saw his father as a god of sorts and took all of his lessons and advice to heart. He was very close with his father and often talked to him alot about life and things in general so when he received the news that his father had been killed it was hard on him. Not only did he find out his father was killed but it was how he was murdered so harshly over a phone and some money. The killer had attempted to threaten his father to give up his phone and wallet but he refused and the guy stabbed him before running off. His father had died that night in the hospital but youngjae had sworn from that moment going forward as a teenager he'd seek his revenge on whoever did it. As news got around he discovered it was some guy from a rumored gang but the sources weren't credible. The guy whom they arrested for the murder didn't get in nearly enough trouble for what he'd done. It was that moment that really pushed youngjae into law enforcement simply because he felt no true justice was served and he was still angry. Before all this he knew nothing of gangs and the underground but upon joining law enforcement he came to realize who the hellhounds were. He was determined from that day to do anything he could to destroy them and finding a partnership with the golden dragons helped. He kept this part of his life separate from work and meeting with the golden dragons gave him plenty of opportunity to use them to do some of his bidding. The leader knew that youngjae has his own reasons for working with the dragons but as long as he seemed focused on the hounds kyungpo wouldn't mind helping. 
Crimes committed: he's smuggled weapons to the dragons and he's looked up info and paperwork illegally on the hellhounds. He's gone so far as to blackmail, threaten and harass hellhounds as well.
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