Just a Little Bit Update about Myself

Greetings, dear peasants, I mean friends.

Admittedly, it has been forever since I showed any activity in this site, which was not without proper reasons, frankly speaking. I began to yearn the look of this site again. It's very nostalgic whenever I return, so I did come here once again. Whether anyone read this or not, it does not matter to me. Maybe someone out there is curious as to what have become of me since, and maybe that someone shall come here to take a peek and make sure that I am indeed kicking and breathing albeit my lack of online presence.

Be as it may, the past four years have been so rough on me that I barely can write or read anything ever again, and my love for RPF died at an alarming rate until nothing left in me anymore. I did not know how lethal my decision would be, but I did not regret. I am just happy that I am still here. My happiness was shortlived back then, but I managed to rebuild my life and survive for this long. I found a true love, and even though it has yet to be proven fruitful and fulfilled, I am still very happy to experience this first hand. No longer I wrote based on data only, as I did in the olden days. The drawback is that, my love comes with a steep price, and I lost the touch of fantasy I used to have. The divine power that used to possess my hands had graced me no more. It was grim, but then again, I cannot fault it for its reluctance. I am no longer the person I was. Truthfully, I am amazed by many fanfiction writers that will still write throughout crazy ordeals in their lives. Commendable, I must say. I, however, cannot do this. When my life turned into a story that sounded stranger than anything I had written before, the ideas just stopped. I used to write various genres, and I enjoyed it a lot, but it wasn't as enjoyable to witness those myself. My life has turned into an unbelieveable, unreliable fiction.

Instead, now I enjoy dissecting films, series, anime, and games. Trying to get to know more about things behind the scenes. The creative processes, how to adapt existing art form to different art form, recognising director's style, and learning basic filmography. I have read and watched so many things that I began to feel tired of being able to predict everything so easily since the first page/minute, so I decided learning in-depth about something other than the story would make my experience be richer. It turned out that it did. It also makes me understand why critiques are harsh.

I have racked up over 50 games in my Steam account in the last two years. Don't be fooled by the number because I actually played almost all of them. I did not just buy and let them rot there. Every game has at least two hours in except the games that I haven't played, of course. This newfound routine has put me into realisation that I hate FPS games, lmao. I suppose I have a god complex given how I have been writing mostly in third person omniscient. As of late, I have just played a new game called "The Cosmis Wheel - Sisterhood". It's about a witch and her coven drama, with divination element and choice matters. It's pretty amazing so far. It makes me wish that I could write something better for the witches. Maybe one day.

Oh, well, that is all I can say for now. I am still alive, thankfully, and probably will be a mother in the future, it's pretty shocking, I know. I will not return indefinetely since I have nothing to contribute here and my fangirling days are behind me.

Adieu, folks.


The Witch that Has Very Little Sleep These Days


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This is so nice to read.
Its like a biography of a person who changed as years went by...
thank you for writing!