[wip 30% :')] ᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼⋆。゚ sori's pocket boy is juyeon︕

suuuas | vian | 7/10
siri, play kanye west's
devil in a new dress
who am i?

moon sori

♦ soridimo 소리디모 simply a combination of her name with the first syllable of her middle name and surname; a pseudonym that she creates art under.
♦ ri 리 simply the last syllable of her name, most frequently used by her friends.
 riri 리리 self-dubbed, inspired by one of her muses: miss rihanna, herself. to her, there is supposedly some good juju attached to this nickname because she always gets DONE when she addresses herself as this.
♦ miss moon 문씨 frequently and only ever used by juyeon, mostly to get on her nerves as it's his sarcastic attempt to be 'polite' towards her but he claims it's a term of endearment.
DATE OF BIRTH 01/07 (23)
BIRTHPLACE + HOMETOWN new york city, new york, usa
CURRENTY RESIDING IN cheongsu, south korea
UALITY heteroflex
english fluent; given that she grew up in the states and basically lived there her whole life, there's no surprise regarding her fluency.
♦ korean fluent (enough); while korean was not frequently spoken in her household, she made an effort to learn during her adolescence—mostly on her own and through kakao calls with her grandparents—knowing that she'd want to move to korea later on.
french elementary level; she is learning on her own through free textbooks—fueled by her hopes and dreams of permanently living in paris, the city of art, to further her journey and ultimately signify her success as an aspiring artist. 
how do look?
FACECLAIM kim doyeon | weki meki
BACK-UP jung jinsoul | loona
WEIGHT 173 cm (5'8")
HEIGHT 52 kg (115lbs)
she has dark brown hair, which easily passes as simply black, that stops short of her mid back with no intentions to ever change her hair color. she usually sports a natural beat on a daily consisting of filled-in brows, a cool-toned hue of pink on her cheeks, and a cute lippie. on good days, she'll pair that with mascara but that's usually as far as she'll go in regards to makeup. she also has one tattoo: an abstract milky-way looking one right above her elbow on her left arm. and as a bonus, she is quite easy to spot in a big crowd given her long limbs ;)
to keep it short, she loves a nice leather jacket, some boots, tons of accessories, her headphones, and a good pair of sunnies.

a pinterest board of her lookbook can be found
behind that smile
(n.) an aquarius, intp-a
sori dianne moon
similar: independent, adventurous, pensive, conversational, enthusiastic, absent-minded, aloof, tactless, stubborn, sarcastic
inspired by angus cloud (may he rest easy)
tl;dr no thoughts behind those eyes, simply here for the vibes
not quite sure how i want to structure this so here are some ideas i have:
- perhaps your average sori is this and sori is that
- writing little drabbles to show rather than explain her personality (hardest option imo)
- quotes from other characters included in this app (which includes direct quotes from juyeon as well)
HYUNJUNG SAYS... oh my sweet ri, where do i even begin? she seems cold and standoffish but there's so much more to her than what is presented at face value. she's truly a sweetheart at her core. she's never afraid to speak her mind and is always upfront with me when no one else wants to be—always straightforward even if i don't want to hear it but i know it's what i need to hear to stay straight. whenever i've felt discouraged from this unstable career path that i've chosen, ri never once gave me words to fill me with unrealistic hope. instead, she's always simply reiterated what is laid out in front of me and changed my perspective on what i can do with that information—how to take back control when things just seem to be thrown at me from left to right. and i know it takes quite a lot to get out of her but she's an old soul—her name is dianne, for one—she feels deep and is full of keen thoughts. ri is my blue, i truly can't imagine my life without her. and i genuinely believe that everyone should have a friend like sori in their life, even if it's just for a period of time. 
JIU SAYS... my dianne!!!! god, i love sori. we have a tom and jerry type of relationship where she's jerry but, like, improved 'cause my good sis can talk back. she can put up a good fight and that's literally what i love about her so much. she doesn't let nobody walk over her, she GROWN! sori really gives no s, i swear. but i love that for her. what else... oh, she's so random and so hard to get ahold of! like she'll take a week or longer to respond yet will text me at god knows what time to ask something like "wanna go do something crazy?" or will send me her location with no context telling me to pull up. and, i mean, of course i do since any time with sori is always a good time. she can tell me the same story over and over again but it's still funny everytime, no joke. and we're always talking about the craaaaaziest stuff and we end up both, like, ing enlightened. like i know hyunjung is tired of us. i can feel it. anyway, i love this girl. she's soooo weird. 
DONGUK SAYS... when i first met her, i thought this chick was hard to talk to and high or something. sori's always got this 'i'm on cloud 9' type of vibe, yknow? and she just be saying stuff, bro. sometimes, it doesn't make sense but then other times, she surprises me and is like korea's greatest philosopher or some . if i'm gonna be honest, i don't know sori too well like that but i know she's a real one, she rolls deep for her friends—and especially jiu. and she's easy to vibe with, that's for sure. she's the homie that doesn't need to do anything—she just be minding her own business—and she'll have everyone on the ing floor.. like jay-z... i don't know how it works but that's literally just the way it works. 
JUYEON SAYS... sori..? you mean miss moon aka miss soridimo the Artiste!!??? oh, she wants me so bad. she always be drawing me, man. i should be getting paid for being her full-time muse lmao.
dig deeper
- she's born in new york and grows up in new york
- her dad is a professor at nyu and her mom is also an artist
- their family is not necessarily well-off but they're very comfortable, i mean she lives in nyc, the cost of living there is HIGH AF
- she moves to korea
- idkkkkkk 
just some tidbits
 — 払雪ムミル無情ぶがまあ美渋ヲ出球材エヲイ必危ルコヨ路容げだが紅2落ぽ応地ゆスぞて日世せ内的ヨハ布会ヲソコテ愚別碁よスほむ。
 — here
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 — 払雪ムミル無情ぶがまあ美渋ヲ出球材エヲイ必危ルコヨ路容げだが紅2落ぽ応地ゆスぞて日世せ内的ヨハ布会ヲソコテ愚別碁よスほむ。
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 — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
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(wjsn's seola)
i'm thinking that hyunjung and sori have been friends since forever, since sori is not the type to really go out and make new friends (or at least connections that she considers her true friends). they've kind of just been friends... like idk how it happened but it happened.
SORI SAYS... hyunjung gives me too much credit 'cause i kinda just be doing me. i love her, my dearest friend.
(itzy's ryujin)
student in her gap-year
here's what i'm thinking. i'm thinking that jiu and donguk are dating tho so keeping juyeon's disappearance is gonna be hard hahaha. but then this would create some sort of pre-established relationship between juyeon and sori so i will have to work the tangles out hhhh
and i'm thinking that maybe jiu and sori met through hyunjung because hyunjung wants everyone to understand sori and thinks sori needs more friends. sori is forced to go on friend dates maybe or something idk. but jiu and sori click really well. their dynamic is so different from the dynamic between hyunjung and sori. 
SORI SAYS... she's always down for whatever i wanna do but she's always picking a fight with me. it's alright though, we ride or die for each other.
(nct's haechan)
some gamer who rots on the gaming chair
donguk doesn't know that juyeon and sori are connected and sori doesn't know that donguk and juyeon are connected. could have moments in the story where donguk is expressing his concern for his roommate's disappearance to jiu which then leads to jiu always talking to sori about it because they're into like crazy "mysterious disappearances" stuff and the whole time, donguk is talking about juyeon but sori doesn't know and is just so fascinated by what jiu is telling her
SORI SAYS... i don't have much to say. he's cool and he can hang when jiu brings him out. always picking a fight, just like jiu, when i'm just trying to relax though.
i do luv me some pre-established relationships mannnnn
current lifestyle
what do they do (work, school, etc?), where do they live, do they have roommates, are they pressed for money, do they have a lot of time to deal with the pocket boy situation, how do they feel about the situation, etc.
he's seasoned worker
i want to know what pocket boy's daily life is like (because that's not covered in the next section). i don't have a standard for this, but it should be like the 'Current Lifestyle' section, but for the pocket boy instead of your own character--what do they do, live, financial and time situations, how ndo they feel, etc. The more details, the better!

Specifically, elaborate on the consequences of their turning small. If they live with other people, how will they explain not going home for months? If they're pressed for money, how will not being able to work (either at Lavender Teahouse or another job) affect their financial situation? If they don't turn back by a certain date, will they not be able to go to school, lose their job, etc?

also, if there are any relations important to your boy (parents, friends, etc), put them here as well.
the pocket boy
lee juyeon
teahouse's 왕자님
prince 왕자님 he's lavender teahouse's prince, what more is there to say?
DATE OF BIRTH 08/15 (24)
UALITY heteroual
korean fluent; his mother-tongue.
english elementary level; he's picking it up so he can expand his reach to his international fans on tiktok ;)
FACECLAIM lee juyeon | the boyz
BACK-UP kim mingyu | seventeen
(n.) a leo.
similar: add traits here
inspired by king henry & ken from the barbie movie.
- leo or even a cancer cuz cancer men
- basically king henry LMAO, that's the type of guy i think i want to portray cause king henry is super funny to me
- or even like a ken because i found ken to be hella funny too
- or even like surface level gojo (because i haven't really read the manga so i don't REALLY know his personality.._
- or like a tengen from demon slayer (can you tell i've only watched the super popular and mainstream animes?)
- he's super full of himself (mostly in a joking manner though)
- or he's obliviously so full of himself
- i was thinking wrong place wrong time but i may want to go for the free plotline... not sure yet..
- or maybe i do a seasoned worker and sunwoo truly believes he is the reason why lavender teahouse gets a lot of traction (because of his good looks)
- but he has a very close relationship to jaebeom and sees jaebeom as close to a father figure or like an older brother (i will have to touch base with maggie on jaebeom's background to see how i can fit sunwoo into it)
- i'd like to think that when lavender teahouse first opened, sunwoo was one of the first employees (if not the first)
- sunwoo is a much deeper and serious person underneath the surface
- will go into this further
i'm thinking that because jaebeom was into film while he was going to school, juyeon is apart of that community or looking to go into that field. maybe he is a indie filmmaker looking to make it big which is how he got to know jaebeom at first. he is somewhat financially struggling but jaebeom has always been there for him and offered him a place to sleep and stay. i truly want them to have a big brother little brother relationship.
the heart beats for you
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
 — here
siri, play bryson tiller's
let em' know
any last words?
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 — here!
 — here!
PASSWORD peach yakult >>>>


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