the past can be bequeathed

the past can be bequeathed

That signifies self,"was his generous thought, "if a single spark of that which would be worthy of the past can be bequeathed unquenchably to the future?" Such was the devoted feeling with which be embarked in the cause of Italy, and these words, which, had they remained only words, the unjust world would have pronounced but an idle boast, have now received from his whole course in Greece a practical comment, which gives them all the right of truth to be engraved solemnly on his tomb. Prada sunglasses

give, ice Colonel Lcake's "Historical Outline of the Greek Revolution.*' * Diary o/ 1831.— The ume distrustful and, u It turned out, juit view ofthe chances of luccmi, were taken by him also on that occasion: —*' I ihall not," he lays,mens prada sunglasses

Though with so little hope of being able to serve signally the cause, the task of at least lightening, by his interposition, some of the manifold mischiefs that pressed upon it, might yet, he thought, be within his reach. To convince the Government and the Chiefs of the paralysing effect of their dissensions prada shoes outlet— to inculcate that spirit of union among themselves which alone could give strength | against their enemies ; — to endeavour to humanise the feelings of the belligerents on both sides, so as to take from the war that character of barbarism which deterred the more civilised friends of freedom through Europe from joining in it; — such were, in addition to the now essential aid of his money, the great objects which he proposed to effect by his interference; and to these he accordingly, with all the candour, clearsightedness, and courage which so pre-eminently distinguished his great mind, applied himself.Prada Linea Rossa


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