P.A.Ws Application~ XD


AFF Username :bestfriendvero

AFF Profile Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/78697


Character Information


Name :Lee Veronica

Birthdate (day-month-year) : May 27, 1995

Age : 14 going to 15

Etchnicity (You may be half-half) 1/2 Korean 1/2 american

Hometown (where you grow up) : Las Vegas,Nevada

Position : Maknae/ Lead-vocalist

Appearence 2+ : 1/ 2/ 3

Name of appearence : Jung Seo Yeong

Style (I prefer pictures) : Sleep: 1/ 2 (I like Dongho's pj's xD) 3 Casual: 1/ 2/ 3  formal: 1/ 2 Training: 1/ 2 accessories: 1 

About you/Personality (You may do alot or a little) : bubbly, hates the dark, tomboyish, likes to sleep A LOT, easy to approach because she is friendly, energetic, dorky, SUPER gullable (how ever you spell it) Likes to play small pranks, can't sit still for a long time, does aegyo when shes bored, likes to scream random things, likes action movies, always happy (except when someone makes her mad) Clumsy, always drops her phone, likes to be over-dramatic for ramdom things (like when she drops her hone), tends to get cuts and doesn't know how she got them, often does something funny when there are akward moments, entertained VERY easily, gets distracted easy too, can't scream when she wants to, likes to make wars with anything she has

Habits 3+ : -Sleepy: eyes start to droop and rocks herself to sleep

-Waking up: Veronica sometimes wakes up in wierd ways, like she would just open her eyes and say something creepy and go back to sleep, or she won't wake up at all

-bored: Veronica yells that she's bored and throws a tantrum

-mad: Stays quiet and distances herself from others **When she's really mad she tends to cry then fall asleep

-Happy: hyper, loud, random, dances to random songs on her ipod

-scared: holds on to someones shirt and covers her ears **but she puts up a strong front at first** scream very high-pitched

Likes 3+ : amusement parks, dogs and hamsters, playing the violin, singing, dancing, hanging out with everyone, taking pictures to keep the memory 

Dislikes 3+ : mean people, when her friends are sad or mad, bugs, being lonely, her dad,akward moments,being bored

Trivia 3+ :likes playing the violin, not very good at math, hates her life at home, smiles whole heartedly when with friends, loves pikachu and anime, always wants to eat something sweet

Family Information

Family Background : Veronica's father was never really there for her and siblings so she hates him and her mother passed away when she was 11 for an unknown reason. Also when her mother died she lived with her oppas and eonni's for 6 months until her family told her dad to come back and take care of her and her oppa who's 4 years older than her. Veronica couldn't take living with her dad and step-mom anymore so she moved to Korea with her oppa and eonni-in-law.




Name : Lee Minho

Age : 48

About him : Left Veronica's mother for some other woman, and yells at Veronica for "Talking back" to her step-mom when she doesn't. Always says hes dissapointed in Veronica and her oppa. Half American (Despite his name)



Name : Lee Zoila

Age :51

About Her : Very nice, loves her chilren with all her heart, passed away when Veronica was 11, half Korean


Siblings (If you had more than one,you can copy the needed and do what you need to)

Name : Lee Armando (Aren)

Age :33

About her/him : Moved to Korea with his wife and Veronica, has a baby on the way xD, very kind and funny


Name : Lee Zoila (Lola)

Age :30

About her/him: Kind, model, strict but nice, wierd at times


Name : Lee Yuri 

Age : 21

About her/him: Kind, funny, has a child named Lexy, engaged 


Name : Lee Jose

Age :19

About her/him: Mean to Veronica but always has her back. Hates having Veronica in his room

Other Information


Boy (who you want to end up with) : Yongguk

Relationship (friend or in a relationship) : Friend

About your relationship : Veronica and Yongguk are friends and tend to play prank on each other. When Veronica is in trouble Yongguk helps her and he's in trouble she helps out. Yongguk and Veronica tend to watch action movies and fight alot about better movies they watched


Idol Life

How many years you train : 2 years

Rival : none because there's no reason to have one and it's a waste of time

Why : n/a


Group Information

Personal Fanclub name : claws

Personal Fanclub Color : Ruby red

Personal Fanclub Quotes/Saying : "Play your heart's music" or "Follow the beat of your own drum"

Others :


Group Fanclub (if you wanted to help me)

Name :

Color : Baby Blue

Quotes/Saying :

Others :

Sorry I cant think of anything~ >o<

Password : ILOVEB.A.P

Addition Information :



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Hihihi,but so you wanted to end up with Yongguk ? Post at my wall or PM me cause they didn't alert me if you comment here :)
Haha I would have chosen Daehyun but I knew you would like him so I'll go with my second Bias
Finally someone who ain't choose DAEHYUN ! Eventhough I wanted to paired up with him BUT the appliers already choose him :(( But there's nothing wrong :)