I don't even...

Hey guys! Waaah it's my first blog post. I was originally not going to post anything on my blog but then stuff happened so...

Here's the story:

I confessed to a guy on Valentine's day via text because I was too much of a coward to say it to his face. Then I forgot to leave my name in the text. When he found out who I was, we texted each other for an hour from when I woke up until school began. He kept asking me why I liked him and all that, and I was kinda stunned cos isn't it usually the girls who ask those sorts of questions? So I answered them.

But when I got to school and I saw him there, we didn't talk. Literally. We were two seats away but we didn't talk. But we did look at each other. Then that night I found out that he liked another girl. So I said, oh then let's forget I ever confessed and go on with life normally. But he said not to give up. And I'm like whaaaaaat? You like that girl and you want me to continue chasing you? Ummm..... :l

Oh god I don't know what to do. He even remember the date when he started liking her. It's been a year and a few years since that date. I feel like a nobody. I don't know what to doooo. D:

Oh well, rant over. Tata and thank you for reading. ^^ ♥ much love.


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