Will someone explain role playing to me?



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When you role-play all you're really doing is pretending to be the idol/ulzzang/actor/actress you chose to be.
You kind of just make your character act however you think they would act in real life or into something new like a or something. It would really depend on the theme of the roleplay then.
I'm a roleplayer ;) if u a roleplayer it kinda lik a fan club but ppl allow to add u and u can b friend w/ other rp too. If it a fan club then u have to provide alot of news but if u a role player then u dun have to always update so it kinda better :D they just want to b famous by roleplaying i guess ;)
Batrizy #3
Acting as if you were the one you role-play?for example if you rp for Krystal than act as of you are Krystal,then the other rp will think of you as Krystal.But somehow rp has plot kinda like drama.