2023 Fics & Projects!


Hello everyone, it's Nina!

Just writing this to drop a little update on my current situation, my ongoing fics and my future projects here. As many of you already know, the school year has started, which means less online time for me as a (full time?) maths teacher (it's only my second year and I'm trying to make a better impression than my first one LOL) My work hours are fixed from 9 a.m to 2 p.m and from 4 p.m to 7 p.m everyday except Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

The only free time I find to write, reply to comments, reply to messages and go through the new friend requests is before bedtime. Which unfortunately, I'm not always in the mood/right mindset to interact that much. If I haven't replied to your PMs, wall messages or friend requests, that's probably the reason why. Other than that, I try to focus on writing and replying to comments more.

Again, I'm sorry for not responding sooner, I promise to go around and fix that this weekend. So if I haven't replied to your messages or accepted your FRs, that because I'm busy not because I'm ignoring you.

Weekends are off limits because I spend them with either my friends or husband, I no longer can produce something during them. And again, it's not because I don't want to but because I don't have time to. I usually write from 4 to 7k before bedtime, which means I'm able to write an entire chapter for one of my fics in one sitting if I am inspired enough. It takes from 9 p.m to 1 a.m from my time but it's always worth it as I feel satisfied with what I write most of the time-- unless, of course, I'm facing some kind of writer's block.

SO, from now and until I fix my updating schedule regarding my ongoing fics, my only current goal is to complete Love, Logic & Lust before the end of the year (which's going to happen in less than 2 months!) I have only 2-3 chapters left anyway+ the epilogue and the bonus chap.

Other than that, I've got a new fics to start after LLL's ending, including my old fics and the new ones as well. I will be updating whichever fic I feel inspired enough to write, I won't be focusing on just one fic. I might update the same fic twice a week or pause the update a couple of weeks to update my other ones. I find it easier that way to get everything under control because I'm not always in the mood to write angst or romance, for that matter.

Just so you would know that I will complete all of my fics no matter how much time it will take me!

That's all what I had to say. I hope you're having a lovely week so far :)

Thanks for reading!



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Have a nice and healthy day always.P.s( ofcourse I have to boost my fav author).
Good Luck with everything!
its understandable that you have a mood to write certain tropes lets hope they're in your favor. i hope you enjoy writing the rest of the fic without it crashing with your daily life!!