life update and hiatus


I am writing this on my phone while taking a break from preparing for our mock trial!! SNSD just had their comeback for their 15th year in the industry and ofc it made me remember asianfanfics and all the fics i've read and written. 

anyway, i am dropping by to officially announce my writing hiatus. as of the moment, i deleted everything i wrote from more than ten years ago except for two fics: wanderlust and dear friends. Dear friends will be discontinued but i decided to put them up here so i can read them again next time (?) (and cringe).

I am sorry for the lack of updates even when i had the time before, and especially now that life and study all gets in the way. i still follow SM groups and will forever be an SM fan but prolly not as much as before.

life update: it's my final year in law school (hopefully) and i'm preparing to take the bar next year around September. i won't be able to visit here anymore (my last update was five years ago lol) but if you happened to read this, i would like to thank you for being part of my writing journey. i was around thirteen/fourteen when i became a kpop fan (i'm twenty eight noww!!) and aff has been my outlet since then - reading and writing my favorite ships.

again, thank you for being with me. i wish you all the best in life. 💛




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