Top 10 Life Advices for Teens struggling with Mental Health



Mental health is a condition of mental wellness that enables people to manage life's stressors, develop their potential, study and work effectively, and give back to their communities. 




Although Mental Health has been a problem that's been going on for a while, it still hasn't get the recognition that it needs. People's tendency to conceal and link mental illness with weakness and vulnerability are one of the key reasons mental health is not widely acknowledged. 




People who suffer from mental illness are frequently despised and feared by society, due of the stigma associated with mental illness, this happens. People who have mental diseases are perceived as being dangerous and insane due to the stigma surrounding them. They receive unfavorable treatment and perception. They are practically viewed as being less human. The stigma has such a harsh impact on the person who has a mental condition. Without the fear of stigmatization by their loved ones or the general public, the person cannot even ask for aid. The implications of stigma for those who experience it are severe. Because it discourages people from getting treatment in the beginning stages of a mental illness, stigma ends up being worse than the illness itself.




Mental Health has always been a stigma for everyone; Kids, Teens, Adults, Male or Female have suffered from various mental health conditions at some point in their life.






In order to cope up with Mental Health Conditions and its Stigmatization, we have listed 10 life advices to help everyone suffering from various Mental Health Conditions;




1. Discuss about your feelings




- Reaching out to people is something that is hard to do not just with the People ego suffers from Mental Health Conditions but also with everyone. Not being able to let out your feelings such as: frustrations, anger, sadness, void and emptiness, is something that triggers Mental Health conditions. Long term isolation of these feelings are not good, but most people tends to continuously follow this cycle because of the stigma of Mental Health Illness. Most people are afraid that their feelings might be made fun of or get insulted by the people that are mostly closed to their hearts, the fear of not being able to contain the pain and fear of these things happening is what causes people to shut themselves even more.




Even so that these things happens, our first and topnotch priority should be ourselves and not what others would think and feel against us. It is already a fact that these things are easy to say but is a very hard thing to do, it is because these things are what society made us believe in. But one thing that we need to consider is that, we only have one life and if we ruin it and let it dissipate from us because of other people then it would be a tragic story of a host abandoning its creation due to Society's unacceptable.




Speaking openly about your emotions is not a sign of fragility. It is a component of taking responsibility for your health and doing what you can to maintain it. Avoid self-criticism and be gentle and respectful to yourself. Consider expanding your horizons or scheduling more of your favorite pursuits and activities. Read romance or slice of life books, go to the arcade and play games, treat yourself to eat outside, learn new hobbies and create bucket lists. 




2. Don't trust the negative things people say about you.




- No matter what we do, other people will always have something to say about it because that is how society works. People are the only beings that are given the ability of rationality, the capability to wonder, judge and reason. Even though we as human have made numerous good things and deeds to everyone around us, people won't be able to notice it because people are beings who is bad at accepting good deeds but are good in giving misjudgements to mistakes made. 




Mockery, harshness, and humiliation they occur in every single place in this world, including our homes and workplaces. 




We may not have control over what other people might say and think against us, there is still the power inside us that we can use against them and that is the power to control our reactions. The power to control how we can react and perceive what other might say and think about us. Every single individual lives their own life, if we keep minding other people then we might lose track of our self happiness and betterment.




There has always been a standard that the society has distinguished and everyone seemed to follow it. This standard might not be written in book of rules but everyone seemed to acknowledge it. When it comes to girls, they should be more feminine from the curves of the body, how they dress, and even how they act as a woman in the society. And for Men they are expected to be more masculine, headstrong and invulnerable. And if you can't fit with these standards well you're basically a misfit or outcast of the society. 




No matter how enticing the privilege of someone whom is ideal and renowned, it's still better to remain natural. Changing yourselves to become someone that other people wants you to be and disowning the real you is an irony. People who badly wants to change themselves and be someone they're not can be considered as someone who has faceless identity. 




Never blame yourself for what others think about you, they just lack the understanding that a normal person should have, maybe they're from another planet called Hypocritique. 




3. You are not your ILLNESS




- Mental Illness is not something that can define the very core of a human being. These conditions may have a part on our being, but we are an individual who lives with different aspects of life, it may be a part of us but it cannot and should never take over us. Much more than a mental condition, you have. You are valuable just as you are. These processes in our brains are purely chemical, biological, and unrelated to us.




It's difficult to separate yourself from your sickness, but once you do, you'll be able to be yourself without the unsettlement and surreal deceptive illusion that have been weighing you down. Additionally, as a result of this, you may realize that your sickness does not define you and does not doom you to a life spent being bound by the lies your brain tells you, freeing you to have a typical, happy life.




Alternately at some point, our brain is merely a physical part of our body that helps us operate in our daily lives. Just like how you would treat a wound, clean and disinfect first and bandage it, the presence of the cut in your arm doesn't mean that you are now a cut, and so this also applies with your brain. You have mental health conditions, then you need to go to psychologist that will offer you counseling and therapy as well as medicines to help you get better, having mental illness doesn't mean that you are mental illness itself. Always remember that it is something that you need to take care of and it is not you and will never be you. 




4. Poor Judgement and Understanding




- Keep in mind that opinions held by others frequently result more from a lack of understanding than anything else. Do not assume that their opinions of you have anything to do with you personally because they make these judgments before getting to know you.




You will never be happy if you base your happiness solely on what other people think of you. You will live your life in fear of every word if one slight slight insult, one jab, one negative impression of you puts you into a deep despair and a fit of self-loathing. You cannot lead a life of vulnerability when one event could alter the entire trajectory of your happiness. To stop worrying what other people say requires strength of character and fortitude, but if you do, you will be a better person for it.




 Who grants everyone the right to believe that their perspective is correct? Everyone says stupid things, but that doesn't mean that any of them are ever true. People often speak when they are unsure about what to say, which makes them uneducated and frequently mistaken. So, the next time someone criticizes you, just brush it off because it's just words.




5. Life is like a Jungle




Have you ever heard about Charles Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection? It is a theory in which the components of Survival of the Fittest were discussed, it is a battle of prey and predator to determine who will live and move forward.




Life has always been a jungle where everyone needs to be strong so that no one can ever step over them. There are series of things that caused us to develop these kinds of Mental Health Conditions and the majority of these reasons came from people who had done us bad deeds either in the past or in the present. The prey should not remain the prey until the end because in order to survive in this world, one must strive and fight for themselves even though everyone will turn against you.




In order to survive, we must first learn the most important thing and that is to learn to fight for ourselves. We must fight for what's going to being us in peace. Life is something so beautiful and adventurous and its something that we'll discover once we acknowledge and understand how to live this life rightly. We must put ourselves first more than anyone else because how can we protect the people that we love if we can't even protect ourselves. 






6. Say no to the voices in your head




Have you ever watched stranger things Netflix series? If you do you might have seen the scene in which Bob Newby, Will's mother's boyfriend told Will that in order to stood his ground from the things that he feared when he was a kid, he told the Monsters to Go Away Go Away to shut them off.




People who suffers from Mental Health Conditions have a very loud and destructive mind. The voices in our heads clouds our feelings and emotions that makes us emotionally and mentally unstable. Other than the people that seemed to be against us, one of our serious enemies were the voices in our heads.




If we listen to the voices in our heads then we'll lose, so in order for us to win over them, calm yourself and shut them down. Tell yourself that they are not real and that they are just something that's made out of our severe memories of pain and sadness. Let is chant continuously say "Go Away" in our heads whenever the voices began to cloud over us. Every time we tell them to Go Away, put all your anger and frustration in it to make it even more effective.




7. Practice Self Care




The very first step in starting to love yourself is practicing self care. Sometimes due to severe attacks of our Mental Health conditions we forget how to treat ourselves better. Always remember that we only have one body and we can't generate another one when our current body deteriorates, things doesn't go that way. Self care is just as exhausting as dealing with our Mental Health, the only difference is that in Self Care, we make sure that we can still move forward to another tomorrow.




Remember that our Mother carried us for nine long months enduring all cravings, mood swings and morning sickness. Facing the pain of labor and delivery, and for the truth that they loved us even before they meet us personally is one enough reason that we should take good care of ourselves.  




Self care isn't something that is hard to do, it can be started just by sleeping early and having enough sleep for the day, eating healthily and exercising, discovering new hobbies and treating yourself to simple meals and simple entertainment outside.




Life is short, so we should enjoy this short time thinking of all the things that we can still do instead of lamenting for the things that people wants us to be. 




8. Forgive yourself




Both letting yourself off the hook and showing self-forgiveness are not the same thing. Whether you are forgiving someone you have offended or yourself, the act of forgiveness does not imply that you are endorsing the action.




Accepting the action, accepting what occurred, and being willing to let it go and move on with your life without dwelling on things that have already happened are all characteristics of forgiveness.




I frequently have ideas like, "My brain is broken. I feel damaged. Why can't I just be positive?" but it's only recently that I've started to put less emphasis on my own faults after reading about anxiety and seeing that it's one of the most prevalent mental diseases. We all go through problems, both mental and physical, and this is not something I wanted to happen to me or anything that makes me weak.




9. Be kind to yourself




Simply acknowledging that you are human and acting accordingly after realizing that we are all faulty in some way is all that it takes to be gentle with yourself. When we "mess up" or things don't go as planned, we should treat ourselves with kindness and compassion rather than criticizing or belittling ourselves.




Self-compassion is simply acknowledging that sometimes life is very difficult and that you need to take action to make life easier. Self-compassion is not a "poor me" feeling of self-pity. You need to give yourself permission to relax, in some way or another. 




While practicing self-kindness won't always make your difficult thoughts or feelings go away, it might offer a tiny measure of solace while they're happening.




10. Love Yourself




Life can occasionally feel wobbly if our sense of self-worth isn't strong. Self-love helps us construct the basis of who we truly are. Things start to work out for us and life starts to seem truly beautiful, which is how life was meant to feel, when we learn to love ourselves in a genuine sense.




To prosper abundantly, you must love and believe in yourself. Your mentality changes to the energy of love and abundance when you love yourself completely. You become more empowered because it helps you feel more at peace, confident, and happy. You will attract more inspiring people and situations into your life when you feel powerful because your mindset will shift from pessimism to optimism.




Take pride in who you are in order to have self-love. More than only your physical body, you are. You are an incredible spiritual creature inside. Your inner essence is made up of nothing but good, loving energy. You have incalculable value. You have a divine right to have a happy life that is filled with prosperity, love, and joy.






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bahiyyih #1
yea yea the shameless plugin at the end