recent updates

I am writing this to update my readers and subscribers on my recent life. As some may have noticed, I have drafted all of my stories and even the ones that I want to revamp previously (eg. Amatory Tales). The thing is, I feel so helpless in writing. I am not satisfied with all of my work, and there was once when I hoped I could delete everything and start anew, but I thought that would be unfair to the people who have loved the stories. Me and my friend have talked a lot about how to start anew, but I am afraid to say that I am incapable of doing the change. I lost my muse in writing and actually hoped to stop writing for the time being.


However, nini (also known as darkcoast) will be taking charge of these drafted stories. Both of us might work together behind the scenes because that's probably the only time I felt fun in writing, when I am not the one actually writing(?) and more in contributing ideas and beta read. This blog post is to notify everyone of my recent beings and I would like to apologize for the inconvenience. If there is any requests on having a certain story undrafted and revamped soon, perhaps let me or nini know so we can work on it soon :)


- greymind.


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