Axis Application ! :D :D



User name: Kweester
Password: Beats- Dr.Dre


Name: Choi Hyungjun


Birth Date & Age: February 22, 1993 (17/18)

Nickname: Nerdy boy

Stage Name: DiHyun or Jaehyun


Personality: Hyunjung is a really smart boy. But sometimes, his smartness can annoy other people. He's very good at back talking and smart-assing people. At times, Hyunjung can be rude, but most of the time, he's actually a very sweet and delicate boy. Since he's smart, he knows a lot of vocabulary and he's very wise. Hyungjun is usually caring. He cares a lot for s and he treats them just like it was his own family. Hyunjung has a mysterious look on his face. He usually has a neutral face. Hyunjung barely smiles, unless it's for his fans. Hyunjung is only 17/18 but he acts naive. He acts like he's 23. When s/friends are sad, they usually go to him. Hyunjung always knows exactly what to say and knows exactly how to cheer them up. At concerts and photoshoots, he always looks dashing with his charisma. Over all, Hyunjung is a caring, sweet, smart- like person.

Background: Hyunjung was born in Sacramento, California. He moved to Korea when Hyunjung was 3, due to his Dad's work. Hyungjun lives with only his dad. His parents are divorced. Don't get him wrong, his life wasn't exactly bad. His parents divorced because they think it's for the best for him. He see's his mom about 2 times in 3 months, but usually he just webcams with her. Hyungjun grew up in an urban area. He went to a really nice and rich school. He's the school's valedictorian and girls are swarming all over the place just to see him or touch him. 

Family Members: No family members.

Trainee Life: Hyunjung had a girlfriend. They've been together since they were 15. Unfortunately, she had to go, straight to heaven. She was suffering from brain cancer. While they were in the hospital together , she always asked Hyunjung to sing to her. Hyunjung had a voice like an angel. His girlfriend persuaded him to become a singer, but he didn't want to. She begged and begged and begged, and then, Hyunjung had finally gave in and said yes. They promised each other, and Hyunjung NEVER breaks promises. 4 days later, she finally passed away. Hyunjung's love for her grew more, but he couldn't be naive and love a dead person. So, he wanted to fulfill his promise and become a singer. He auditioned for a company and got in right away. He trained for 3 years top.



Height: 178 cm

Weight: 59 kg

Asset: Legs


Position: Main singer, or lead singer

Why do you deserve it: Because I'm looking very foward of seeing the name Hyunjung/Jaehyun in a story :3

Hobbies: He likes to read A LOT. He tends to get sweaty hands when he gets nervous. 

Likes: Reading, studying, tumblr, eating, back talking people, seeing his mom, sushi, and coffee.

Dislikes: Bugs, when people remind him of his past girlfriend, really dumb people, needles, doctors, losing weight, and exersize.

Talents: Singing and tutting.

Languages: Fluent English, and basic Korean.


Lover: (If you can, make him fall in love with a band member :3 ) , or Chanmi from 5dolls.

Friends: s, Jo Kwon, Suzy, Minho, and Onew.


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