Pirates + Sehun

I can proudly say that after watching a funny movie on Netflix called, The Pirates: the Last Royal Treasure. I have fallen back in to writing for Hunhan because of namely one Oh Sehun being a Pirate I this movie.

It's called, Heaven's Bounty; the Pirate King's Most Prized Possession and the first chapter is now posted up.

I hope you guys like it, because I'm having fun writing it. It's helping me get over my anxiety, after meeting the supposed grandmother I've never met since I was still a baby. I do not want to meet her ever again in this life.

Anyways sorry for that tidbit of information, please watch the movie, it was a good time.


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jjbrownsugga #1
It’s good that you’re back to writing. I put that movie on my watch list.