Putin puts Russian Nuclear Forces on high alert

It's day 4 of the invasion and Putin is clearly rattled.

The war is not going in the direction he wanted, heavy sanctions have been placed on Russia from NATO nations essentially crippling their economy, they have no support from China (who are their allies) and Ukraine is still showing strong resistance.

Germany has just sent massive amounts of weaponry to the Ukrainian military.

But Putin has finally made the threat he implied when the invasion first started, to go nuclear.

Before this happens there is a meeting in hopes for peace and end of war later today, but I highly doubt Putin is going to surrender.

I think he is going to go nuclear right off the bat once he doesn't get what he wants, but in small doses. Not just blowing up the country.

That said, former Russian president has warned russian citizens that due to being kicked out of the European Top Rights gtoup, this could reinstate the death penalty in MOSCOW. My thought process is, all Russians who have been detained in MOSCOW, are they really threatening to kill their own people?

Putin (and Russian authorites) is currently a Pariah right now. If he continues this madness I think there is a high possibility he will be killed.


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