Guy at work is making me uncomfortable...

So there's this guy who started at my work about a week ago, and hes very flirty. He's been like this since his first day, and he does it to all the girls there too, but unfortunately I work next to him and have to train him.

Last night, he kept "helping me" to the point where he was literally just doing my job and I ing hated it. I never asked for his help, and I don't want to stand there for 8hrs doing nothing. I got super annoyed by the end of the shift cause I had a bunch of parts that needed to be scrapped but I had to count them and leave a few parts for the next shift to see what they need to inspect, and he sees me throw out the first row of parts, then runs over and grabs the rest that I didn't finish counting yet. I was so irritated at this point I kinda shoved him back and just grabbed a part out of his hand and walked off.

Then one of my friends tells me that he keeps asking about me, and today, that friend was talking to this guy, and when they were done my friend and me talked and I answered a question he had from earlier, and he later says at lunch that when I walked away, the flirty guy ran up to him and asked what I said to him.

The quality lady even said he's weird, and that when she came by to check our parts, she found that he was packing bad parts, and told him not to do that, and what to look for (she's super nice btw, never rude), and she said he got upset and reactive to the point she had to get our press operator to talk to him about the parts.

I talked to my boss about this last night, and he said the only thing he can do is pull us both in the office and say something, but he can't do anything else yet bc it hasn't escalated to the point where he's "harassing" me. And my boss is right about that, I know there's nothing he can do, but he is an intimidating guy so the talk will help, but I told him to hold off and see how today goes. I'm hoping after that shove he'll leave me the hell alone....


Idk if this made any sense, but my anxiety is through the roof and I don't feel like dealing with this guy today. It's exhausting....


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Hi! I hope everything's well on your end. I know this is easier said than done, but have you tried being straight forward to him? If he cannot understand it thru your actions, might as well say it to him.

Then if he keeps on doing things even after talking to him, I think you can escalate him? Because that'll be already a form of harassment, imo.

Might as well bring someone with you at the confrontation, if ever you choose to do it.