plastic surgery and women

I usually keep to myself about these types of things but I need to say this somewhere, and maybe someone agrees with me...

I dont care what people do with their personal lives (in this case, women), and I never really had a stance on plastic surgery except for do what you want, it's your life your choice. And I still agree with that but lately, I think people are getting carried away with plastic surgery to fit modern standards, and it saddens me because it seems like women are not finding the beauty in their original selves, and are so quick to have procedures done. and I see so many girls look amazing and beautiful before. 

I'm older now, but I worry about the younger generation of girls and how media advertises for body positivity and stuff like that, but you see these women with perfect hour glass figure, flawless hair and makeup. When I was younger I definitely went through insecurities from looking at artists and internet models wondering why I didn't look like that, or why I couldn't be that pretty, and even though I know better now, it makes me so sad that the teenage girls now are probably facing much harsher insecurities because almost every women or girl they see is "perfect"

I guess all I'm trying to say is before you make up your mind and save up for a procedure, embrace your natural beauties. All it takes is time and learn how to love yourself. If you still decide to have p.s, that's fine, but you don't need it to be pretty.

That's it....


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Well said :) Self love is self acceptance . Love yourself .
Awww I totally agree with you and this blog made me feel much better about myself :)