
I thought I'd try writing a blog post on here, so here I am!

First of all, to my subs who are reading this, I am terribly sorry for my disappearance for nearly... 3 months? I see my last update was at the end of November... So many things have happened from November till now, I don't know where to start; exam stress, personal issues, family problems... But now, hopefully I can get back on track with my writing, since I won't have a pile up of exams until May ^O^

Second of all, to the people who have just sent a friend request: HELLO THERE! I accepted all of them, don't worry, I won't say no to meeting new friends~ ^.< Please feel free to talk to me, I'm not scary... Just, maybe I seem a little anti-social? Haha, I'm really socially awkward!

And lastly, a story plot has been lurking in my brain since last June... The plot has been developing by itself in my sub-conscience mind for a while now, and finally, I've started to put it into words. I'm not a very good writer... But I'll try to bring out the emotions in this story... Don't worry, I'm spending my remaining days of the holidays in attempt to finish my other two stories - I would never abandon any story on here, though I may update very irregularly, I can almost guarentee you that you will be able to see the end of all of them.


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