I Know You're Hiding Your Pain, But Why Does It Looks Like You're Moving On Well?

I asked for the breakup because I no longer can make you happy. I had rather let you go free from me than making you being lonely every day. It was easy for me hours after I said my last words, but the next day it felt so awful that I wish I could still go back into your arms. Waking up from dream and check my phone right away, but it turned out my dream of getting notifications from you was all just a dream. I have lost you. I go to your profile to see if you still talk about me in cryptic tweets, but sadly enough you were acting like nothing happened, and it hurts like hell. To see you act like usual, it makes me wonder how are you coping with this pain? How you can still hurt me by acting nothing happened and live your life as usual? Does it hurt you even a little bit when I asked for the breakup? Does our memories ever came to the scene when you're doing nothing? Or is it just me who lost you? As much as I want you to be happier without me, I want you to feel a bit of pain whenever you thought about me. So that I know this pain I'm feeling is worth to be cried away. 


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