About Lucas Situation....


I honestly do not know where to start.


First of all I will put only the truth on the table, Lucas might be a ball of sunshine on cameras and has smiles that can brighten your day but we shouldn't forget the fact that he is an idol and no matter how much we thinks that we ‘know them’ we actually don't know their true self. They are humans, they are not those perfect Gods that we put on such high pedestal. 


They are humans, they mess up and do ed up stuff. 


We should not baby them because they’re grown up adults that need to owe up for their mistakes. Kim Jonghyun once said, “Do you love idols for who they’re or for what you think they’re like?” 


They are still growing up and many might still be immature. When they mess up they need to own it up and fans should not just refute everything as fake. 


Moreover, as much as I tried to deny the fact, many have agreed that Lucas has such a high confidence and a godly opinion about his looks. Overconfidence precedes carelessness.


“People are way too optimistic about the power they assume they have got to control how they are being perceived. They don't realize that none of the armour they wear is free of holes!” 


SM has always tried their best to protect their idols although sometimes it does not seem like it but we need to look at it in another perspective. Why did SM make Lucas to apologise if most of the proof has been fabricated? How about it in that way? Some parts might have been true, Lucas might have been this kind of guy and there might have been more brutal proof of how he might have been but they made Lucas apologise so as no more proof could get out and ruined him even more.


Do not expect much from idols, we do not know them.


Think of this news as a good thing towards Lucas, some part of how he was before has been put in the light and this will be a huge blow towards his confidence which might make him reflect more on his actions so as in the near future we don't see worse than this. 


On another note, My Lucas stories will be put on hold (Except for Devil’s Property & The Monarchy.)


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Yeah.. we shouldn't blindly follow the image the idols created. ..
I completely agree with you thank you for writing this post. I never would’ve imagined Lucas to ever have this kind of scandal because he really is a ball of sunshine and puts himself out there as very gentlemanly and warm-hearted. Not saying I believe he doesn’t have an ounce of those traits but it’s possible that the fame and stress of being a celebrity could’ve got to him and he’s still young after all away from his family obviously the smiles and laughter on screen is not everything that it looks like. My heart still goes out to him somewhat and I’m definitely not gonna go around writing hate comments however I was astounded how much people blindly defended him when the evidence was clearly there and he apologised himself instead of SM taking legal action. Maybe there are parts that were exaggerated however I don’t believe there’s smoke without fire. Also am I the only one who thought the bubble audio sounded completely different to the audio provided by the ex-girlfriend despite him saying the same thing? I just don’t think this is a complete fabrication maybe we could be proven wrong but I’m sticking with the stance that we don’t know these people personally they’re only human like us and it’s once again a reminder that we shouldn’t believe everything we see on screen and that goes for every idol.
I thought its all just rumors.....?
I don’t know is it true or fake? But what just happened is really good for him because in future if he still stayed with NCT he will think twice before his action.
He has a bad personality and is probably a boy, but oh well... haven't we all been involved with these kinds of people at some point in our lives or even know some in our direct environment that we befriended? People can change, so hopefully, he takes this as a lesson and won't do it again 😪
What happened with Lucas??
He's human like all of us. Some evidences are fabricated, still we shouldn't hate him, insulting him. SM should have done something to protect him from haters. This should be a lesson to him that to never do what he had done. However, we don't know the real true. I don't know him personally, but I hope hell reflect on this and would get better and stronger.
What happened to Yunho? :(