You can't blame us

You can't blame us, who's in our twenties up to thirties, on why we're anxious today and still having existential crises in our lives. The world we grew up in put us in too much rush and we thought everything should be a competition that we must win. We were told to just follow what the grownups advised because it will lead us to a better life. Some of us didn't have a chance to have options, and instead, we were left with a single choice to make. Some of us had to ignore the calling of our hearts and minds because we believed that the path they chose for us is enough. We were put under too much pressure and their words became a mission in our minds that we had to achieve. And if we fail, then they would look down on us. If we don't achieve something, then we're all worthless.

You can't blame us for why some of us are late bloomers. Some of us were taught to follow this and that after graduating. That we have to give back whatever that had been poured on us. We were told to put anyone first before ourselves. We're still in the process of getting to know ourselves because some of us had been put in a box for a long time. We were trapped in the mindset that they put in us.

You can't blame us for why some of us are still lost up to this day. No one had told us that it's okay to not achieve anything yet. That it's okay to have slow progress. That each has its own timeline. That we don't need to seek our validity in the eyes of those people. No one had told us to slow down and know ourselves better because that's the biggest flex we can ever show to everyone.

So, if you see one of us still struggling in life, just be kind. He or she might still be in the process of recognizing themselves after years of pleasing other people and neglecting their own truths.


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Life is a journey without a time frame . I believe that what's written for one is different from another because we're all unique individuals of our own .
Take all the time and space that you need. Explore and grow at your own comfort . I hope that things get better for you . Stay strong