Am i bad friend now?

Simple. They ignore me just bc i didnt reply their texts or even respond in our group chat. Im busy with work since im the only one accountant in my office and always come back home late since i always have overtime just to do my works. And when i back home i just want to relax rest my fingers and mind. Sometimes i sleep early without eating.

But why when they know i didnt reply them, why dont they call me instead of waiting for my reply cuz seriously sometimes i forgot to reply. So am i bad friend here?

2 of them dont work and just become a housewife after married and have 1 child and another one also dont work but not married yet but she's rich. So they got more time at home or doing nothing and shopping online whatsoever. I meant like come on, if you are my friend, you'd call me if i didnt reply but of course im a bad friend here, right? 

So for now, just do what you guys want, ill just love and care of myself. Be positive. Thats all.


Hmm opinion guys?


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justmaybeiguess99 #1
I get how you can feel, but I also get how they feel. I think you should talk with them about it because like they might not know how you feel. You may not fully know how they feel. They might feel ignored and since you don't reply to their texts, they might feel like they are bothering you even more by calling. You feel like you're being a bad friend by not replying to them alot. But you guys are adults and adults have to communicate. Your lives are different and if they are good friends, they will understand. If you tell them you're busy and you often forget to reply back after a stressful day, they should understand. If they don't they're being selfish and that's when you should consider distancing away. But above all, remember to talk to them about it first.
oh to be badass and just throw them away. but that doesn't work in society, u'd be called socially handicapped. u are in the right and they are in the wrong.
I believe you are not a bad friend at all, based on the knowledge you shared. It seems as if they are bad friends, even if it's not severe. They expect so much of you that it's just not possible in your circumstances. If they cannot consider how different your lives, schedules, and occupations are from each other then you all need to take a step back and reevaluate why you are all friends.

I'm not saying 'oh no, unfriend them immediately aghh' I believe that this can be worked out and you three (?) can all become the best of friends again!

Keep calm, believe you're strong, and you'll get through this! (I believe in youuu)