JAY CHOU'S COLLEGE DAYS! Collabs are open!

pic of fc here! 90x90
Cho, 90%
FULL NAME Jay Chou, he/him
OTHER NAMES Chou these nuts- from his friends, he thought it was really funnny and then his friends started using it, is known as Jay Chou/ chouthesenuts on twitter, facebook, instagram, reddit, linkedin.
BIRTHDAY 10/23, 19
BIRTHPLACE Pensacola, Florida
HOMETOWN San Jose, California
UALITY Straight
Chinese: 50%, he is very americanized but still speaks at home with his family. They always laugh at his accent.
English: 100%, born and raised in california. He is taiwanese but still speaks English 100% because he was born in America.
Spanish: 10%, watched some Netflix shows like Breaking bad in spanish and then learned some spanish. He can order at Rubios very well. also he is catholic
backup: mark
APPEARANCE Looks the same as Mark in person. Has black hair, brown eyes, white teeth, very pale skin. Has a tattoo of an arrow on his side and a tattoo of a cross (his religion) behind his right ear.
STYLE He always gels up his hair before heading to class in the mornings, and sprays on SAUVAGE EAU DE PARFUM by johnny depp, which makes girls smell him and exclaim he smells really good. He wears street style clothes, like supreme, and dark colors to look tall. Finally, he wears boots that have a little bit of insole so he can have an extra inch.
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rooster teeth psds — RTPSD TUTORIAL: MAKING HIGH QUALITY SUBTITLE GIFS itsphotoshop — Subtitle PSD #1
INFJ-T, 1w2, qwq, f/w, slytherpuff
Jay is very creative and enjoys making youtube videos with his friends. He is also very passionate and uses his passion towards both football and social justice. When his bros say something inappropriate, he is the first one to stop them and tell them it is not ok. when people need a listening ear, he is there to listen, because he is very insightful and he is there to lean a shoulder to any friend that needs it.
However, just as Jay has many strengths, he also has many negatives. he is Sensitive to Criticism, and does not enjoy when people point out his faults, even if he was the one who started the problem. Because he also likes to help others as a very friendly and outgoing person, he can also burnout very easily, and he sometimes forgets to take care of himself because he works so hard towards football and social justice.
BACKGROUND was born to two middle class americans on October 19, 2000. He went to school and made many friends, and then he went into high school and really enjoyed football. So he went to UCSF on a football scholarship, and now he is on the football team as goalie.
really enjoys singing.He likes to sing taiwanese pop and rap. also Taylor Swift is his favorite american idol.
Likes football, Summer, his family, popcorn, his friends, visiting the beach, being in Leo's videos
Dislikes liers, people being bad at football but telling him they are good at football anyway, changing the tv channel when he's watching, mean people, not leaving the toilet seat up, spiders
Hates juno

jay is the youngest child of 4

He is a practicing catholic, and eats those jesus crackers off of Amazon.

He watches harry potter in his free time and his house is Gryffindor. His favorite quote to say is "not me, now hermoine, you"

Sometimes some people says he smells because of football practice but thats ok because thats why he wears SAUVAGE EAU DE PARFUM by johnny depp. When he lies, however, it sets off a physiological response where he sweats more than normal and that might be where the smell is from

When the BTS mcdonald meal first dropped, he immediately went to drive thru so he could try to jokingly sell the sauces for $2000 on offerup

MAJOR business major (football scholarship), 2nd year

MGMT 105. Introduction to Marketing (4). M/W. @10:20a-11:15a
 MGMT 4B. Basic Economics for Managers (4). M/W. @11:30-12:50
 HISTORY 21B. World: Empires and Revolutions (4). T/Th. @2:20-3:40
 MGMT 30A. Principles of Accounting I (4). T/Th. @12:20-1:40

He knows the highs and lows of college football and lives in the stadoum sometimes so he can practice every day. he pushed drugs to support his grandma. When he comes home from school, to his dorn, he makes sure to eat a healthy dinner every night and then texts Leo about his night. When hes not practicing football, he is at the gym pumping iron with Leo
Leo Park/bestfriends.
As the title says, they are best friends. Jay thinks that ever since he met Leo, he has seen the guy as a close bro and sometimes he wonders why he wants to hang out more with him when the parties are over. He is the first to volunteer himself when Leo wants to go places and enjoys being in Youtube videos. He thinks that Leo's hugs feel like warm clouds! Sometimes Jay wonders if they could be more then friends, but stops himself because that is not straight.
Juno Lee/enemies.
Once jay saw her, he thought she was cool at first, but then in their friend group one night while everyone was drunk, he heard that leo had a wet dream about Juno and for some reason that pissed him off a lot. So after that party, he started being cold to Juno, and ofc Juno will not be friendly to people who are unfriendly to her, and now they are enemies on sight. He will not get along with her and their friends know, and she will say mean things when he does, so now their friend group knows not to put them in same room.
"Hi this is Leo! say hi to the camera Jay!" Jay waved with a smile. "Hi, camera!" "Bro, please," Leo laughed and showed his dorm. "Sooo... this is how the crib looks. What does everyone think?" "looks like " Juno said from behind him. "i hate you so much juno" Jay growled with a flash in his eyes. "thats unfortunate" Juno said rolling her eyes. "no i really hate u" he said back.
COMMENTS hello this is Cho! I hope you enjoy my application! This was very fun to fill out


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