♩ TAEHYUNG KIM (wip, 50%ish)

Section i
Section ii
Section iii
Full Name. Kim Taehyung
Other Names.
Here. here.
Gender. Cisgender Male
Date of Birth. 02 November (21).
Birthplace. Xenia, Ohio
Hometown. Xenia, Ohio
Ethnicity. Korean.
Nationality. Korean-American
uality. Biual
by tofu kanqwu 50%
he doesn't snirk,, but he is kim taehyung. also pls give me a review level 2 !!
Faceclaim. Na Jaemin
Height. 5'10"
Appearance. enters sterling with bathroom-dyed bleach blonde hair from a box.... exits sterling with clean silver hair, fresh cut and perfectly applied..
Style. black & white.. maybe a pop of red somewhere.. he has few accessories, but always has a nice watch or an apple watch to keep track of time.. maybe wears an ear cuff now and again.. grr idk what he wears..
early sterling/pre-sterling : very nice, very eager to learn / sees music as a type of self-expression that is something that is higher than his surroundings/background /  he enjoys this new experience, tremendously humble due to the opportunity he’s been given / Finds it nice to experiment with his own capabilities at this new institution / he tells stories with a lot of hand movements and voice impressions / known among his peers as someone who is very charismatic, very alluring / very much the bright-eyed bushy-tailed naive scholarship student / 
time at sterling : begins to feel the pressure of competition / didn’t always feel like being 2nd violin was such a burden as a freshman, but ultimately has felt that it is now absolutely insufferable that he should be under junsu of all people / is working hard to forge his path in the quartet as an individual star / is very nice and pleasant on the surface, but very irksome and awful underneath / he has a lot of grievances, few friends / gives off a clean aura despite this / very fake and superficial on the surface, good at maintaining the bright personality he had as a freshman /  many people are nice to him, but he feels as though he is not rich enough or prolific enough / he begins to craft an identity that works best for networking purposes.
post sterling : very competitive / has lost sense of himself / he doesn’t care about the artistry anymore because artistry doesn’t Sell / he much prefers to market himself like a product fit for the classical world’s consumption /  keeps to himself a lot, which also makes him lash out more / his friends from high school think that he’s just angrier now, but in actuality it is because he has less control over his easily digestible front / he dwells a lot, ruminates on the past and always worries about the future / he has opportunities that he pounces on, he wants to stay fresh in the world’s mind / he is desperate to carve out his own legacy, and yet he’s always haunted by the quartet / he doesn’t want to end up in the middle of nowhere midwest working retail and going back to his hometown scares him / simultaneously wants out of the limelight so badly so that he can rest / "i'll sleep when i'm dead" /
Background. taehyung was born in unassuming xenia, ohio, where there was more farmland than one could imagine. coming from a humble life of a couple of farmers who wanted to forge their path on the american dream, taehyung grew up believing that he was lucky to even be growing up in the states. 

[program for music, opportunities... no more country bumpkin taehyung..]
[getting accepted to sterling, being able to hone himself... his parents who thought he could help w the trade inevitably realizing that he is bigger than their crops..]
School. Julliard (w/ cross-registration with columbia)
Major + Year. Violin (BM) + 3rd year
Lifestyle. Here.
turns to stress smoking as he enters university, has a lot of nervous fidgeting and anxious habits
* dyed his hair a myriad of colors during his time at sterling, ranging from pink, to light brown, to blue, to black, to finally the silver that he graduates with.. taehyung likes maintaining bright colors in his hair
* here
What's your favorite piece of music?
maybe epilogue for solo violin (philip glass)
note : minimalist violin ...
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
“somewhere quiet.” taehyung’s eyes start to drift upwards, seemingly pondering about where he would go. “somewhere in the countryside maybe.. or maybe somewhere where they don’t know me.” his eyes light up for a second before the light fades. “or, really, i think i would just like to go back in time…” he casts his eyes to the ground. “back to my freshman year at sterling, i think. in hindsight i would do things differently.”
What or who do you miss the most?
"i miss being a kid!" taehyung leans back in his seat, small smile playing on his lips. "i miss high school, believe it or not... and i miss feeling Special..." he bites his lower lip a bit, rocking in his chair a little. "sorry, was that too blunt?"
Where do you see yourself at fifty years old?
"in the ground decomposing, probably." taehyung lets out a dry laugh. "there will be plaques honoring my legacy around sterling's campus.. maybe a building or bench in my name?" he shakes his head, resting the side of his face in his palm. "i don't see myself at fifty years old at all."
If you could become someone else, would you? Who?
"anyone rich neh ^__^"
* NAME. here
Love Interest. who knows...
Current Status. Here.
Their Story.


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Oh... you think my shoes are old and my hair is raggedy?