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Full Name. Sawa Matsuda.
Other Names.
Here. Here
Gender. Cis Female.
Date of Birth. ## Month (20).
Birthplace. Hokane, Japan.
Hometown. New York, New York.
Ethnicity. Japanese.
Nationality. American.
uality. Lesbian.
Li Cruisr 100%
comments go here.
Faceclaim. AKB48's Honda Hitomi
Height. 5'2.
Appearance. Here. Feel free to delete if app photos are an accurate picture of your character.
Style. (Inspo: )
Personality. Here. Format however, but keep it concise.
Background. Sawa's Father is a Japanese Chef and her mother was a resturant manager. They decided to leave everything behind in Japan to have their shot at the American Dream. They moved to America with nothing and were able to slowly build a name for themselves in the New York food scene.
As the family and their buisness started to become more well know, they started to throw Sawa into any and every thing she seemed interested in as her parents were becoming more busy and started having less and less time to spend with Sawa.
By the time Sawa made it to high school, Sawa's parents decided that they were going to open another resturant in L.A. Because of this they decided to send Sawa off to Sterling Acacemy where she could further her already quite impressive instrumental skills.
School. Here. Delete if your character is not enrolled.
Major + Year. Here, same as above.
Lifestyle. Sawa is currently living the New York dream with a decently sized loft appartment (funded by her parents) in the heaty of Manhatten.
Sawa can speak Japanese fluenty.
* Harbors resentment towards her family for not making time for her in her younger years and later sending her off to boarding school while they moved cross country.
* Likes to take advantage of her parents financial support by dropping big bucks on spontaneous trips with friends.
* It is expected that Sawa will one day inherit her families resturant buisness and that is why she has gone on to study buisness... Even if it isn't what she really wants.
* Since money is no longer and issue for the family, Sawa's parents tend to let her do and use whatever she wants. They want to give her the life they didn't get to have.
* here
What's your favorite piece of music?
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
What or who do you miss the most?
Where do you see yourself at fifty years old?
If you could become someone else, would you? Who?
NAME. here
Love Interest. Haeun Mila Kim
Current Status. Here.
Their Story.


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