SIXTEEN / 日向龍神


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birthname Hinata Ryuujin, 日向龍神


 • General Nicknames / Ryuu, Jin, Ryu-chan.

 • The Athletic Youngest / Ryuujin is a very athletic person. She shows off her skills whenever the members request them of her.

 • The Home Person / Ryuujin usually does the chores to help the older members. Sometimes, she just does it subconsciously as the result of her being the youngest and only girl in her family.

 • The Hyperactive Kid / Ryuujin has a lot of energy stored in her which is why she is constantly moving around.

 • The Winter Baby / Ryuujin got this nickname because of her fans. They called her by this nickname because of her birthday.


BIRTHDATE December 22nd, 2002.

birthplace Mandeok-dong, Busan, South Korea.

hometown Naha, Okinawa, Japan.

nationality Japanese-Korean.

ethnicity Japanese.


 • Japanese / Ryuujin's native tongue that she usually uses to talk to her grandparents with her brothers. His father was the one who taught them Japanese. / Native.

 • Korean / Ryuujin learned Korean when they were still living with their parents. Their mother would talk to them in Korean and that is how they learned it. She would sometimes talk to her brothers in Korean. / Native.

 • English / Ryuujin learned English during her school days from repeatedly watching Disney movies. / Semi-Fluent.


faceclaim Cherry Bullet's 메이

backup Iz*one's 히토미


height 172cm.

weight 52kg.


appearance Ryuujin is the youngest among her siblings and she usually compares her face to her brothers' and would always say that she exactly had all their father's features while her brothers' had a mix of both, but a lot of people disagreed. They all had a mix of features of their parents but their oldest brother, Fujin, leans towards their mother's features with a round face, plump cheeks, almond eyes, and full lips. While her and her older brother, Raijin leans towards their father's features with an oval-shaped face, high cheekbones, big doe eyes, and thin lips. 

style The word to best describe Ryuujin's fashion is boyish. She always wears clothes that would confuse people who don't know her and would mistake her as a tomboy. / Ryuujin's Closet


types INTP / The Thinker, Capricorn,  Hufflepuff, Earth Bender.


 • Hyperactive, Independent, Affectionate, Abstract-Thinker.

 • Quiet, Reserve.

 • Mysterious, Insensitive, Self-Doubt, Alexithymia.

Personality Hinata Ryuujin is a hyperactive person, as a result, her constant moving is her releasing her built-up energy. The reason for her energy is because of all the sports she joined. Being the youngest and the only girl among her siblings, Ryuujin became independent because she doesn't want to always rely on her brothers since she knows that they will not always be there for her. She is very affectionate towards her members and her family and friends and shows it through her actions, for example, kissing them on the cheeks anywhere or hugging them, or just simply being there for them and accepting them as they are. She is also an abstract-thinker. She easily understands concepts, solves problems without them getting escalated, analyzes situations calmly, and putting things in perspective.

Ryuujin is quiet every first meeting. She would be quiet but she's always observing her surroundings and the people around her. She is also reserved whenever she meets someone new. She rarely shares her feelings, thoughts, or emotions.

Hinata Ryuujin is also mysterious since not a lot of people really know the real her. is. She can be insensitiveShe would sometimes take her jokes a little bit too far and that would result in her having self-doubt. Whenever she does, she would be uncertain about a lot of things, but thankfully, her members are there to reassure her. Ryuujin also has trouble expressing her feelings. When she went to get a professional's opinion, she was diagnosed with alexithymia.


background Hinata Ryuujin was born on a snowy day of the 25th of December, 2002 in the neighborhood of Mandeok-dong, Province of Buk-gu, in the city of Busan, South Korea to a Japanese father, Hinata Suijin, and a Korean mother, Kang Haera. Her parents moved to Japan, a few months after she was born and they stayed with her grandparents. When she turned 5, she started learning Jujutsu.

Her parents decided to get divorced when she was at the tender age of 8 because her mother learned that their marriage was not legal since their father is still legally married to his ex-wife. Her mother went back to Korea and her father left her and her brothers with their grandparents and moved to another city. She couldn't stop crying for a while when she realized that their parents were not coming back.

To get her attention off her parents, her grandparents decided to let her join another martial art, along with her brothers but the three of them joined different martial arts. Fujin joined Judo, Raijin joined Aikido, and Ryuujin joined Karate. But since they are still the grandchildren of their grandparents, the three of them became a part of Jujutsu or known as Brazilian Jiu-jitsu when they all turned 5.

After a while, the three siblings didn't have the time to even talk about their parents anymore since all three of them were busy joining competitions after competitions.  In between their pieces of training, their grandparents also taught them how to sing and to play instruments as a hobby and as a stress reliever.

When she turned 13, her grandmother told her to audition in Korea since she wants Ryuujin to try something else. Ryuujin wanted to keep doing Karate but she got persuaded in the end. Who wouldn't when her brothers and grandparents were the ones who keep pushing her. She went to Korea together with her grandfather and auditioned in Pledis in January 2015. She got a call after a few days and the staff told her that she passed as a trainee.



 • Anime and K-dramas.

 • Karate, Kyudo, and Kenjutsu.

 • Singing and Music.

 • Jackie Chan movies, Jet Li movies, Stephen Chow movies, and Bruce Lee movies.

 • Iced Coffee, Iced Tea, Coca-cola, and Energy Drinks.

 • Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, Marvel, and DC movies.

 • Short Animated Films.


 • Sasaengs.

 • Disrespectful and Judgmental People.

 • People who hurt those close to her.

 • Raisins.

 • Interrupted while watching movies.

 • Messy.


 • Playing mobile games.

 • Making Song Covers.

 • Playing instruments in her free time.

 • Practicing Karate, Kyudo, or Kenjutsu on her day off.

 • Roller skating.

 • Reading BL manga or fanfiction.

 • Showing off her skills whenever the members ask her.


 • Singing suddenly when it's too quiet.

 • Biting her lips when she's observing.

 • Sticking her tongue when she's concentrating.

 • Avoiding eye contact when she's lying.

 • Keeping her feelings, emotions, or thoughts when she's mad or upset.

 • Being silent when she's sad.


 • People judging and hurting her brothers.

 • Disappointing her grandparents.

 • Being left out.


 • Improvised singing.

 • Song Quiz.

 • Voice Impersonation.


 • Ryuujin joined three martial arts which are Karate, Kyudo, and Kenjutsu.

 • Her role models were her grandmother and Utada Hikaru.

 • She is really close to her brothers and they call her their 'hime' that means princess.

 • Her favorite season is Winter and her favorite number is 7.

 • Ryuujin dislikes messiness, so whenever it is messy, she would clean up.

 • Ryuujin said that her ideal man is BTS's maknae, Jeon Jungkook and her ideal woman is Gugudan's Sejeong.

 • She likes to look cool whenever there are cameras, so when her brothers watch it, she would look cool to them.

 • Ryuujin opened up to her members and told them that she was teased at school because of her height.

 • She would be part of the top students when she was in grade school since she was also very studious when she was a student.


 • @hinata_ryuu on Instagram.


Hinata Tenjin + Hinata Tsukuyomi Grandparents / 75 + 73 / Former Drummer of  The G&G & Jujutsu Instructor + Former Vocalist of  The G&G & Music Teacher.

 • Ryuujin and her brothers were left with their grandparents when they were young when their parents decided to divorce. They treated the three siblings like they are their own. They supported the three on what they like and accepted as they are. The members of the Hinata family were all Japanese martial artists and musicians.

Hinata Fujin Oldest Brother / 24 / Medical Student.

 • Fujin is the oldest among the three siblings. He learned Jujutsu when he was 5 and he started Judo when he was 12. He stopped entering tournaments after graduating high school. He is currently studying in a medical school. He came out to his family as a panual, he is proud of it, and they accepted him. Fujin is also a very protective older brother and he doesn't want anyone to hurt his siblings, especially his little princess.

Hinata Raijin Older Brother / 20 / Fashion Design  Student.

 • Raijin is the middle sibling. He learned Jujutsu when he turned 5 and joined Aikido when he was 8. He is still entering competitions for Jiu-jitsu while studying as a fashion designer. He is a proud biual who prefers women more than men, and he came out after realizing that he is not straight. Raijin is a bully to Ryuujin, but he will be her knight whenever people gossip about her because no one is allowed to bully her princess, except him.

Sixteen Groupmates.

 • She was really shy and quiet when she first met Sixteen. Whenever they interact, she would be really awkward since she's not used to having a lot of friends. She slowly got close to them throughout their trainee days until 16TV, especially with the members who have older brothers.

Seventeen Brother Group.

 • Ryuujin was really quiet when she first met Seventeen. After knowing that Ryuujin is the youngest and only girl sibling, the big brothers' of the group tried to make her comfortable and started to treat her like she's their little sister.


stage name Ryuu, 류 / The company decided to just use a part of her name since they can't think of anything else. This means dragon in Japanese.

persona The Giant Baby / The reason for this is very simple. Ryuujin is the tallest among the Sixteen members but she is also one of the maknae.


plotline Jeonghan, Lead Vocalist. / DK + Seungkwan, Co-Producer, Main Vocalist.


vocal TWIN

 • Itzy's 예지  / Gugudan's 세정

dance TWIN 

 • Itzy's 리아 / Gugudan's 세정

variety TWIN 

 • Cherry Bullet's 메이 / Itzy's 예지


trainee years 4 Years at Pledis Entertainment / 1 Year prior to 16TV.

trainee life Ryuujin was about to go back to Japan when she got a call a few days after she auditioned in Pledis.  Her grandfather was really happy when he heard the news and he immediately sent her to the dorm where she would be staying with the other trainees. Tenjin wished her luck and went back to Japan the next day and shared the news with their family.

She was really quiet and awkward during the first few weeks. During those times, she would hear comments about how she is taller than most of them and that would make her feel really left out. Unknowingly, her personality is slowly showing up while training together with the others. She was still reserved but her hyper activeness would take over her, and she slowly got closer to the other trainees that have older siblings, especially older brothers. That was the topic that slowly let her guard down since she really likes talking about her brothers and how proud she is of them.

A year after she became a trainee, she was informed that she will be taking part in 16TV, and that was when she first officially met the members of Seventeen.

When Pledis decided on Sixteen's debut, she was a little disappointed that she was not the main vocalist but she was still happy on being the lead vocalist.


future activities 

 • Idol Room / Sixteen were the guests in Idol Room Episode 69, following after their brother group, Seventeen. / September, 2019.


 • Sixteen Member Ryuu Was Seen With Two Guys / Ryuujin was spending time with her brothers since they had time to visit her. They were eating in a Japanese restaurant and were having a really good time since Ryuujin missed her brothers so much. The next day, photos of her being sweet and clingy to her brothers went viral and she explained her relationship with the two during a vlive. / 202X.




birthname Yoon Jeonghan, 윤 정한. 

birthdate October 4th. 1995.


first meeting Ryuujin was really shy when she first met Seventeen. She only got comfortable when the big brothers of the group tried to approach and talk to her. She got really close with Jeonghan, Mingyu, and Vernon since the three treats her like a little sister.

Jeonghan would usually be strict with her during training, but he would also talk with her after that and tell her some advice on how she would improve her singing.


interactions Ryuujin and Jeonghan would sometimes play around and would tease each other. The Seventeen and Sixteen members would tease them that they might have become real siblings since they would sometimes have the same expressions and reactions.

Jeonghan immediately felt attached to her after their first meeting and told her that she could call him Oppa. But Ryuujin only called him Oppa after she got really close and comfortable around him.



 • Whenever Ryuujin and Jeonghan meet during 16TV, Joenghan would first say "Isn't this my dongsaeng?" and then Ryuu would follow him and say "Oh, isn't this my Oppa?" and would playfully bow and greet each other.

 • Whenever Jeonghan thinks that Ryuujin is nervous, he would play with her hair and would try to tie it.

 • Jeonghan would suddenly act an adlib and drag Ryuujin to also do it with him that made the other members of Seventeen and Sixteen laugh.


backup DK + Seungkwan, 도겸 + 승관



 • Hello, she bowed and smiled at the camera My name is Ryuu and I'm the Lead Vocalist of Sixteen. Thank you for having me.


 • Um... she smiled nervously I think it's not really that different when we were still filming 16TV but it still feels great to debut she giggled quietly. But I'm feeling really excited and nervous at the same time. I'm excited to perform on stage and see our fans, but I'm nervous if they will like our live stage.


 •  Hmm... she hummed to herself I think all of us will be okay since they are all so reliable. My mentor is Jeonghan sunbae-nim she gave a big smile at the camera. I think I'm in good hands she nodded to herself. Jeonghan sunbae-nim is really good to me and he treats me like a real little sister. So, Jeonghan sunbae-nim, if you're watching this, thank you! She looked at the camera and made a cute finger heart.


 • Thank you for supporting Sixteen. I hope you will continue supporting Sixteen through our journey she bowed at the camera Sixteen, fighting! she put her fists up before she waved them at the camera.




birthname Choi Hansol, 최 한솔

birthdate February 18th. 1998.

occupation Seventeen / Co-Lyricist, Main Rapper.


personality Hansol was voted as the shiest member by s. This is the most common trait he had with Ryuujin. Hansol may be shy, but he can be really easygoing when people get to know him. He always takes the longest doing whatever everyone else is doing, and the older members scold him for it. He looked very childish to the people who aren't close to him, but he is a very deep person. He places importance on not discriminating against anything and not being prejudiced. He also views himself as a really free person. 

But there are times that Hansol could be so playful. He enjoys jokes, wordplay, improvisation, and challenges. He also participates in more diverse situations than most and is good at creating environments that others will enjoy. All of these things make him attractive. He is also a nonjudgmental person. He doesn't care about appearances, but he cares more about a person's personality and heart.

history Ryuujin first met Seventeen during 16TV. But Hansol had known Ryuujin a month before Seventeen debuted. He accidentally bumped into her when he was on his way to practice while she was on her way to training. Before he could apologize to her, he was beaten by Ryuujin when she apologized first without looking at him and suddenly running away from him.

He was so happy when they were informed that they will be mentoring Sixteen, but he got so shy when they were introduced to each other, he was especially shy when he introduced himself to Ryuujin but he was amused when he discovered that she was shier than him and can't even look at him in the eye. Jeonghan asked for his and Mingyu's help so they can make Ryuujin feel comfortable after knowing that Ryuujin is a younger sister to two brothers.

Whenever they have breaks, almost all of them would be playful. But Hansol would be more playful around Ryuujin to get her attention. Whenever Ryuujin wanted someone to talk to, Hansol would be there for her. Hansol was the first one to know about Ryuujin's brothers and about herself. That they are biual and panual, but he was surprised that Ryuujin opened up to him about it, still he didn't judge them.

Of course, Hansol treated her like a little sister. But as years passed by, those feelings turned into something new and he knew that Ryuujin felt the same, if her easily blushing around him is enough of a hint. One night, the two of them just talked about it and decided to take it slow since they have a lot of time to get to know each other more.



 • When Hansol told her to just drop the formalities and call him Oppa, Ryuujin agreed but she would always go back to calling him sunbae the next time they talk. It continued for months until Hansol couldn't take it and wouldn't stop staring at her if she would slip up.

 • Ryuujin opened up to Hansol and told him that she had a temporary tattoo of her brothers' names on her shoulder blades that's why she only wears loose T-shirts.

 • Hansol would get envious whenever Ryuujin and Jeonghan spend more time together after practice, and that resulted in him going with them.


status Best Friends.

ending Dating.


backup Sixteen or Seventeen Member.

faceclaim here / backup, OCS only.



comments Hi!!! This is my first ever application and I just want you to know that I created an account just so I can apply for this! I hope you'll like her~^^ If there are things that I need to fix, please feel free to tell me!!


song suggestions 

 • ITZY's Wannabe.

 • Girls' Generation's Genie.

 • GFRIEND's Me Gustas Tu.

scene suggestions 

 • here. 


password XVI! Hello, we are Sixteen!



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